Remote viewing is an ability to view or perceive hidden objects, Place or person located in distance location even when you don't know what it is and where it has been kept through your paranormal ability.
Using Remote Viewing ability you can even try to find the future or to the past. British Military called 12 professionals of Remote viewing to help Military to find the enemy's information but the experts refused, So they called for 12 amateurs for the test to find what's inside each envelope. According to the British military, one psychic concentrated so hard and he fell asleep, and overall the psychics managed to name it correctly what was in the envelopes 28 percent of the time, Due to the Low result British Military aborted the further research on Remote Viewing , thinking protecting the country by the means of Remote Viewing is not a good Idea.
Not only the British Military experimented with, even the U.S Military conducted research on Remote Viewing and other psychic phenomenon. The classified program lasted for 20 years.
Researches on Remote Viewing are going all around the globe, One day Remote Viewing will take the Humans to the next leap of Understanding inner abilities.