Hi everyone. New girl here. Hoping for some answers!

Posted over 12 years ago , by Kells Bells


So, I don't even know where to begin.  First of all, I should say that I haven't had any experiences with lucidity or anything else in many years.  I'm hoping to get it back somehow, only I don't know where to start.

I have had two distinctly different types of experiences.  One in which I'm fairly certain I've had lucid dreams.  At the time I knew nothing of lucid dreaming save for a small portion of a book I found at a garage sale.  It was a quarter.  I bought it.  I skimmed through it and decided to try (and for myself change pretty drastically) a technique I read about.  My interest sprang from a reoccurring dream I'd had every night as a child, as well as a few distinct other dream experiences.  I went into what I believed was a WILD on my first try, and every try thereafter.  Then something changed and I would go through the same steps and find myself floating above my bed, about five feet or so.  It felt like a lucid dream...only different somehow.  I was a college student at the time and would frequently take naps in the afternoon as I was generally up late working or studying.  So.  This is what started happening:  I'd lay down, and almost instantly I'd tense up.  It was always involuntary.  Then I would get the buzzing and just, whoosh, off I'd go.  I was not asleep.  I would attempt to stop this, but I couldn't.  I'd always end up with the floating when I went through, and I never had the ability to move...it was like paralysis.  These were very horrible experiences.  There was always an outside presence attempting to somehow get inside me or push me out if that makes sense.  These were 100% not in my control and very different from the regular sort of lucid experiences I'd have.  I really had no gauge as to what was happening because I didn't know much about lucid dreams or OBEs or astral projection to the point that I didn't know they really existed save for the short amount that I'd read in the book.  In the final dream I had, I literally said "no more" and I imagined myself smashing the visualized object I would use to enter the dreams or whatever they were.  It was the only thing I could think of to wake up.  It worked.  Since then I have not been able to achieve anything even remotely lucid.  My questions:  I know this is some sort of mental block, but I've tried everything to get the dreams back to no avail.  Also, has anyone ever heard of something like this happening?  The involuntary part?  At the time this was very terrifying, but I am missing the good experiences a lot and would be willing to deal with the bad part to get the good part back.  Any thoughts?  I did bring this up in a lucid dreaming forum, and to be honest I didn't feel as though anyone knew what I was talking about.  I'd sure love some feedback?

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Welcome to the forum KellsBells,

I see that you had natural ability, which you broke that recently by saying 'no more'. If feel that you were not having Lucid dream and you were having Astral projection, While practicing AP, it is natural that having the the paralyzed state, the paralyzed state is called as sleep paralysis. Its just a part. when you are sleep paralyzed, you mind will be awake but your body will be sleeping, this is what we need to achieve Astral Projection. People feel the sleep paralysis as a scary part. But actually its really good that we have it often, so that we can have AP easily through sleep paralysis.

Well you can start with this:

So start with relaxation, as you had the experience earlier, you should be able to bring it back again. So don't get worried about Sleep paralysis or the whooshing sound, Those things are really helpful for Astral Projection.

Hope this really helps you :)
If you are struck somewhere or want to know something, don't hesitate to click the ' new topic' button above every thread ;)

Happy Travels :)

Posted over 12 years ago

KellsBells, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Hi Praveen.  Thanks so much for your thoughts.  I'm sure you'll see my asking questions all over the place around here.  I'm really glad I found this forum as I've never really talked about any of this with anyone.  It's nice to read through some of these topics and feel like I can relate.  :)

Posted over 12 years ago

dude1981, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Welcome to the board :)

We all are here to help each other to reach the goal we want. Especially because as you mentioned, you cannot talk to persons about this who denies such things at all. I suggest to keep that up, because if you get to much "Oh, you are crazy" or "Bullsxxx, this cant work" your subconciousness takes this information to, and you'll rethink again. Have figured out that by myself... Stay in your direction, dont let someone distract you from finding your goal.
So the first big step you already made: wanting it ;)
Everything else i guess is just a matter of time. Hoping for you that you find what you are searching for. Will be glad to read some success stories ;)

all the best, Georg

Posted over 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

KellsBells, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Hi Georg.  Thanks so much!  I'm glad people here know what I I'm talking about.  I did try to talk to my sister about it while it was happening and I got a blank stare.  Not a good feeling, as I'm sure you know that what you experience feels perfectly real.  Like I said above, I tried a lucid dreaming forum and no one seemed to know what I was talking about which was a little surprising and further alienating.  I'm so glad I found this forum and I'm very much looking forward to sharing some experiences that don't include the past!  :)

Posted over 12 years ago

dude1981, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Hehe yeah, i know exactly what you mean. Also tried to tell my experiences to a friend. But it was like telling someone in the middle ages about landing on the moon ::)...

I'm also very glad i came here, and can talk with open-minded people about those things :)

Posted over 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Hi Georg and Kells,

This is why I started this forum :)
I have tried explaining these things with my family, As kells said, I got a blank stare :)
I tried explaining to my friends, they started saying what Grorg said 'Oh, you are crazy' :)

So I tried reading some of the forums, but they were too advanced and no one was trying to help the beginners, So I started my own forum to help each other by sharing :)

This forum is to see within ourselves. As we had forgot those things from many years past and started searching out in moon and mars without knowing what we have inside us :)

Posted over 12 years ago

KellsBells, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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So here is something interesting.  Like I said, I haven't been able (try as I might) to have a lucid dream or anything else in years.  I don't even have the best dream recall, to be honest.  So this morning I was in my daughter's room sleeping with her and she had woken up and was looking at a book.  It was still early and I told her to go back to sleep, but I wasn't terribly awake.  I'd wake up every so often and she'd still be reading the book so I guess I was sort of drifting in and out to keep tabs on her.  I fell back asleep and had a dream of walking in a park.  In the park there was a swing.  In my lucid experiences, I would always swing on a swing.  So in this dream it was a different kind of swing...like a two person seat...sort of like a porch swing.  I sat down on the swing and started swinging.  This dream was not at all lucid.  It was your standard run of the mill regular dream...but I remember having a feeling in my dream like "this is not the right swing at all...what happened to the other swing?"  The dream, like I said, was just an average dream...but for me it was a big breakthrough because I felt like while I was having it I also had a memory of my lucid experiences in the dream state.  I haven't had anything like this since trying to get the dreams back, so I'm feeling pretty good about it!  Seriously, that plain old dream was the best thing I've had in a long time!  Was it the swinging motion?  I have no idea, but I used to use a swing to sort of leap into a new place when I was dreaming, and this other swing felt wrong and I knew it.  A very bizarre feeling, to be sure.   

Posted over 12 years ago

KellsBells, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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As an aside, when I first started having lucid dreams I was actually spending time in real life at a park swinging.  I'd meet a friend of mine at this park near my house late at night, and we'd swing and talk about something we were working on together at the time.  A very immature board meeting to be sure, but these swings were really amazing as they were really tall and it was just a fun place to have conversations.  You don't see swings like this anymore!  Anyways there was swinging, and then in my dreams there was swinging.  Maybe I'll take my daughter to that park today and go for a swing.  :D

Posted over 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Hi Kelly,

I was really scared to swing when I was a child. But when I was in 11th and 12th grade, The swing was the entertainment for me :)

Recently Sebastian posted his similar experience in the forum:

It was like when he started to run faster in his dream, he got vibrations :)
I think you have already posted a reply to it ;)

So.... Keep swinging :P

Posted over 12 years ago

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