Extra Sensory Perception or ESP

Extra vibration stage

Elsa Sereth White, What else is there?
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If you couldn’t move or shout, that sounds like sleep paralysis for sure. One time I fought back against the fear and walked right through the creature and into the astral plane. You may have to get used to sleep paralysis before you can face the fear. If you understand what’s going on it’s easier. Also what helps me is anger. I feel so angry at the things for messing with me that I just embrace a state of rage which scares them off. SP happens mostly to young adults, and when your leaving your body for the astral plane your susceptible to it. ....

Also, you said you’re scared to try again. Sounds like a sign you should definitely try again.

Posted almost 5 years ago | 1048 views

Anyone know what this is & how to deal with it?

I would suggest smoking some dmt, you will be blasted to higher dimensions, and I bet that orb is from that dimension, orbs are just angels but without identification, like face or body, its probably your angel and wants to help you, I would meditate for sure if not smoking dmt

Posted about 5 years ago | 3897 views

Extrasensory Perception Test (ESP Test)

We suggest you to pass a fairly accurate test for checking extrasensory abilities for free online.

My result:

After the test, you can see your score and analyze if you have extrasensory perception.

Pass test

I wonder who it will pass to 100%

Posted over 6 years ago | 963 views

What is this experience?

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Absolutely interesting, thanks for sharing! Yesterday btw, I had the second exactly SAME dejavu yesterday at the same exact point in my toilet at home. VERY different experience again. Seems like my perception is changing at a point.

Posted over 8 years ago | 2276 views

Report of Traveler in the Astral World

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening
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Taken from: http://www.soul-guidance.com/houseofthesun/reportstraveler.htm

The following is a review of an excellent book, Recits d'un voyageur de l'Astral, by Anne and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan.

Anne and Daniel Meurois-Givaudan are two remarkable people. They write in French and have published quite a few books based on experiences that have come to them through the astral dimension and their spiritual guides. Some of their books have been translated into several languages and have become very popular.

Unfortunately only one book has been translated into English, The Way of the Essenes, Christ's Hidden Life Remembered (Destiny Books, isbn 0-89281-322-9). What makes the their books so unique is that they both have the ability to mentally leave their physical bodies and exp

Posted almost 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 5675 views

Are You an Earth Empath?

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening
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What we can do about it
Keep in mind that some of these suggestions are going to seem a bit batty to some, but for some of us, they just make perfect sense.

  1. Change your diet; Being healthy is the best gift we can give ourselves. Putting junk in our bodies, especially for earth sensitives can unbalance us and turn a gift into a curse.  We want to enhance the positive and decrease the negative, that should be our motto in all aspects of our lives. Some people find that a vegetarian diet is the first step to enhancing our supernatural abilities.

  2. Sit by a tree: Be honest, it feels good to surround yourself with nature.  We have put ourselves in boxes and tend to be surrounded by machines most of the day. The trees must feel awfully lonely these days. We should pay them a visit. Or perhaps you should take some time out to...(continued)

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 10975 views

Tap Into Your Intuition

jcolanzi, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Here's a really simple technique to access your intuition. I've only been using a few days and it gets stronger every time I use it.

The Method:
(1). Formulate the question.
(2). Hold that thought for as long as possible.
(3). Assume that the event has occurred.
(4). Drop into a "blank mind" state and wait.


Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 2972 views

question and opinion's regarding new unusual experience

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Is your body part moving when you are awake or after asleep??

If its moving when you are asleep, then its not your physical hand, Its your Astral body which is liking to experience to astral projection.
Just Let Go.. ;D

Posted over 13 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 3386 views

Weird Bugs or Astral Fauna

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening
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Anyone noticing what appears to be bugs flying around you or from you, only they don't look like bugs? That by the closeness they are, you should be able to tell they are bugs, but loo more like black blobs?

What I've experienced is they are "fear balls" connected to / from others. I've felt physical discomfort, moved through the fear, & seen these things leave area or leave solar area. If it was a real bug there, you'd think I'd have seen it there? Any other ideas?

Excerpt from: http://www.unexplained-mysteries.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=65930

Yesterday my brother in law visited and during the course of the conversation he asked our advice about something. He was sat on the sofa and his partner went downstairs to the kitchen (the back door is lower than the front) to sort himself out for work. Just then Kris saw what he...(continued)

Posted almost 11 years ago | 3318 views

clairvoyance question

jcolanzi, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
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Thanks for the info. It just seemed so real.  Never happened before.


Posted about 11 years ago | 3297 views

FAQs to read