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Astral Projection - 1 Reply

Astral Projection or Lucid Dream?

Elsa Sereth White What else is there?
Seems so. but the details of what you saw don’t really tell whether or not it was astral. It’s more about your mental state. Were you hyper aware? Did it feel epic? Did it seem like you were perceiving more about your surroundings than you would in just a dream? I think there are many possible states between dream and astral, just like there are many different levels of astral, and where should we draw the line? Actually i walk around the house too whenever I’m sleeping at my parents house and once I saw my body fanned out in several layers. I suspect each layer is for a different dimension, not simply one astral body. I would definitely classify my walk around the house experiences as astral. Not outer space astral but It’s still rolling out of my body and being hyper aware, and communicating and receiving messages from my animals in the same way one would in the more obvious astral cases.

Astral Projection - 2 Replies

Unable to Astral Project anymore

Elsa Sereth White What else is there?

I don’t leave from this meditation state everyone is always struggling with. I’ve only had success with that once. What I do is find a portal in dream. Usually it’s someone that comes to get me, or often it’s a ceiling or rooftop. Once I collide into it I’m instantly in my room leaving my body, no effort. The astral world is the most ‘real’ or clear and complete world. This physical world is similar to a cage, limited. And the dream world is in between. Much easier from in between.

Astral Projection - 2 Replies

Helping son understand

Elsa Sereth White What else is there?

I had a similar experience when I was about 12. I saw two of my cousin. She was in the living room but she was also in her bedroom. My reaction was to run to my aunt and tell her. I started crying and she must have thought I was scared but really I just didn’t have words to convey the intensity of the situation, wanted the adults to know I was serious. It must have appeared that I was scared but really I just wanted them to pay attention cause it was serious. On that note my suggestion would be to talk about it, tell him it’s special, listen to him and help him form his own idea of what it was.

Announcements - 2 Replies

Sleep Paralysis Situation (I’m New Here)

Elsa Sereth White What else is there?
From my experience, sp happens at a portal that could lead to the astral. In sp I’m not astral traveling, I’m stuck paralyzed. And the beings that hover around watching me, they generate and feed off fear. Wish I knew more about them. They’re very scary but if you can manage to move you can confront them and they’ll go away. I don’t know how people are defining sleep paralysis but the sleep paralysis I know is horrifying. It is impossible to stay calm. I learned how to turn my fear into anger though, and the shadow creatures stoped coming around. But also, for the most part I leave my body instantly when I find a portal in dreams, so I don’t have the ‘trying to get out’ experience. I just feel it for like one second then float through the ceiling. In that one sec, it’s a similar feeling to sp, and obviously other beings can come in so that’s why I figure it’s a portal. Guides though, I only see when I get to a star, never in my room, and definitely never in sp, and never in shadow form

Astral Projection

Through the floor?

asked about 4 years ago | 604 views
Astral Projection - 4 Replies

Astral projection as a young child without trying?

Elsa Sereth White What else is there?
Sounds like you were quite the astral projector as a child! My experiences involve moving through realms via rooftops and ceilings too actually. There are really a lot of layers involved in these transitions, aren't there? Like how you had the realization you're dreaming, and then you move out of it, to your room, which is another kind of in-between realm. If you were uncomfortable with the knowledge you were dreaming (actually, I can see how this could be uncomfortable for a kid-because no one talks about it in daily life, so it seems like it's not supposed to happen and like the world turned upside down) then I would guess that the "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" was your minds own mechanism for waking yourself up -especially if you were back in your room and can here some people talking. Maybe you really wanted to wake up at that point? Also, people who are very close, like brothers and sisters or significant others, can pick up on the each other's sleep transitions and points of high emoti

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