I don’t leave from this meditation state everyone is always struggling with. I’ve only had success with that once. What I do is find a portal in dream. Usually it’s someone that comes to get me, or often it’s a ceiling or rooftop. Once I collide into it I’m instantly in my room leaving my body, no effort. The astral world is the most ‘real’ or clear and complete world. This physical world is similar to a cage, limited. And the dream world is in between. Much easier from in between.
I had a similar experience when I was about 12. I saw two of my cousin. She was in the living room but she was also in her bedroom. My reaction was to run to my aunt and tell her. I started crying and she must have thought I was scared but really I just didn’t have words to convey the intensity of the situation, wanted the adults to know I was serious. It must have appeared that I was scared but really I just wanted them to pay attention cause it was serious. On that note my suggestion would be to talk about it, tell him it’s special, listen to him and help him form his own idea of what it was.