Yucky dream & other Anomalies

Posted about 11 years ago , by Music Soul Fae


I too, lately, have been seeing these black "dots" more often lately than in a while...they aren't always floaters, as they react to light energy projected at them. Like they are aware on some level. I first noticed them last summer, and often associated with people? somehow. Say in the past, you'd get bummed after someone insulted you. Later on, i'd think of insult or the person, and see these black dots coming at me. Sometimes off of me. At one point, long ago, i pointed a tuning fork at one, it shriveled up & flew of as a white orb? But i had no idea what they were then, just that they were 'thoughts from' others? Anyway, I think i dreamt what i am seeing is the ends of astral cords, the negativity from others? or that they are thinking of me in negative way. Another thing is sometimes the dot turns into what loos like lint, or a fly, & buzzes off. Recently i saw one leave right shoulder to thoughts of an insult by a female "friend", and when it hit the sun, it fell to ground as lint fluff or ash like thing.

1.    Recently i've been having issues sleeping, and know its related to a red orb i see, and pokes at left pancreas area. Not sure if its me keeping self awake or something pulling energy from me, thus i won't let self sleep? I feel self start to fall asleep, vibrate, and as i try to get beyond that, i get left side beats? and wake up. At various times, i've seen a red orb at end of my bed, left, 8 feet away. At one point, i saw a male i once worked with in the 'red' energy. I'm not bagged, but can't sleep, wide awake at night, & crappy during the day. Last month, i saw the red orb near my left solar area, & sharp poke at pancreas? Then my body started vibrating. In bed, when this occurs, the not able to sleep is the sensation of another around me, blocking me? About the area of house that i've seen it, i had once walked thru? something? as i had sharp pain at back solar & back heart area. Then super sad & depressed. And later found beer caps in that area. I don't drink}. Any ideas? And how do i get beyond this without medicating myself. I've been sleeping in living room, & sometimes have had odd dreams...continued...

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Music Soul Fae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Today, i've been up for almost 24 hours!...asking whats going on? am i keeping self awake because i don't feel safe enough to sleep? As I notice my face doesn't look like me....and my body language is odd...biting nails {don't do that}...moving fingers around, like a lady i once knew...Then something popped up nearby my right foot...a red coil of wire. A few days ago, asking the same thing, I had a bandaid appear at my right hip area, where i've been sore...I've been feeling back root pulls all night, & lower leg vibrations...

Another thing i am noticing with these sleep issues {and astral issues} is trying to quit smoking....The last day & half, i tried to go without, & once i got thru recent symptoms, I slept for almost 24 hours. I'd get up, eat,& back to bed, too bagged to go anywhere. But then i got a pack, & now, its 2 am, & i'm wide awake again, jumpy, & a wee weary to go to bed AGAIN. So I'm beginning to wonder if the smoking is behind why my symptoms, why i am hyper-sensitive. As quoted above, I finally got to a point i could not stand up, & had to lay down, & became aware {after posting this comment} of someone helping me deal with my issues.

I've also been trying to get myself to sleep in my bedroom again without a sleep aid. The other thing i did notice, is that i slept well when the neighbors were gone, & now edgy they are back. Part of me has noticed that in my room, i fall asleep, then something {usually orb nearby} wakes me up...when the husband is home. He gets about 3 hours sleep per night, & i find i am awake / woken up, when he is still up. Also, it seems that about 2 am, every night, i get an astral visitor...smell old cidar smells, & sleep issues thereafter, like a few nights ago! At about this time, I hear what they cal the astral bells, ringing in an ear, & then would feel energy yanked on, & left side pain {which i recently realized is like someone is triggering me to produce adrenaline {energy}, which keeps me awake. The pain at left side, is followed by the same feeling one has when they feel a surge of adrenaline. Anyway.... :-[

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)
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