Yucky dream & other Anomalies

Posted about 11 years ago , by Music Soul Fae


I too, lately, have been seeing these black "dots" more often lately than in a while...they aren't always floaters, as they react to light energy projected at them. Like they are aware on some level. I first noticed them last summer, and often associated with people? somehow. Say in the past, you'd get bummed after someone insulted you. Later on, i'd think of insult or the person, and see these black dots coming at me. Sometimes off of me. At one point, long ago, i pointed a tuning fork at one, it shriveled up & flew of as a white orb? But i had no idea what they were then, just that they were 'thoughts from' others? Anyway, I think i dreamt what i am seeing is the ends of astral cords, the negativity from others? or that they are thinking of me in negative way. Another thing is sometimes the dot turns into what loos like lint, or a fly, & buzzes off. Recently i saw one leave right shoulder to thoughts of an insult by a female "friend", and when it hit the sun, it fell to ground as lint fluff or ash like thing.

1.    Recently i've been having issues sleeping, and know its related to a red orb i see, and pokes at left pancreas area. Not sure if its me keeping self awake or something pulling energy from me, thus i won't let self sleep? I feel self start to fall asleep, vibrate, and as i try to get beyond that, i get left side beats? and wake up. At various times, i've seen a red orb at end of my bed, left, 8 feet away. At one point, i saw a male i once worked with in the 'red' energy. I'm not bagged, but can't sleep, wide awake at night, & crappy during the day. Last month, i saw the red orb near my left solar area, & sharp poke at pancreas? Then my body started vibrating. In bed, when this occurs, the not able to sleep is the sensation of another around me, blocking me? About the area of house that i've seen it, i had once walked thru? something? as i had sharp pain at back solar & back heart area. Then super sad & depressed. And later found beer caps in that area. I don't drink}. Any ideas? And how do i get beyond this without medicating myself. I've been sleeping in living room, & sometimes have had odd dreams...continued...

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MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

2.    The recent, most disturbing, once i got asleep in room, was of a person i went to for help, telling me that if i did as he said, i'd get better...i entered a pool, and once inside, i had a very bad feeling that i was in trouble. Then saw a large octopus envelop me & knew i was going to die. i felt betrayed. As i tryied to wake from dream, i had a difficult time waking self up. But did, & kind of been off set since...I think it might be a doctor i went to see for help. I had nightmares the night before my next visit, like all pre-visits past.. He basically said i have to take x & y medication if i want to get better. I've done research on them....and they do more harm than good. I decided not to return to this guy, & have been having a new astral thing occur.... At points in the past, i could smell hard liquor, male cologne, but don't think its a ghost. or its a ghost talking thru others?  When i first moved in, i had dreams of someone telling neg things as i fell asleep, waking thinking these things, and yet an inner voice said that was not true. So holding onto that belief, i started to see a male lower body, & wolf head. Getting past the head part, i clearly saw whom it was, & knew it was someone i knew. but didn't remember in the morning. But not the guy i worked with, mentioned above.

DREAM - Almost identical to this one - http://afterlife-knowledge.com/cgi-bin/yabb/YaBB.cgi?num=1276942283

3.    At one point, when i received a text, i saw a red lint fluff circling my phone. I had an intense panicky feeling to not read text, or to avoid that texter. {as i write this, my back right shoulder is cramping up - i have been having alot of energy issues on right side since this "dream".} Anyway, i noted this, and sort of dismissed it, as i had received tons of messages from this person, never seeing "dots" or fliesEarlier today, cleaning house, i saw another red fly near my phone, and felt the same fear, this time panick. I have not had panick attacks in years.... Anyone else had these things, experiences? And with the fluff ball? And how to deal with it without the meds he gave me? continued

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

4.    When i moved into this place, i stated to see the energy with my naked eye, and still do. Which tells me the energy in here must be a higher vibration? Animals & kids are comfy in here. I see blue orbs, white orbs...I've also seen black mists near other people when they say weird things, or act alot like another person that used to live here. I'd see it around myself when i felt really depressed, or better put, it causes the depression. When i first moved in, i'd see dark wispy strings coming from ceiling, yet don't think its th people upstairs. In recent past, i recognized that it is negative people? reaching out to me, or for my energy? At one place i lived, i'd see these strings, coming from an area where a creepy old man lived. When he was there, i rarely left the house, or only left when he was not home. ?Not seeing the wisps much anymore, only these black / grey dots, or "flies".

5.    A while back, my feet started vibrating, & i saw a blue dot to left area.  I had this thought to ask a friend to do something for another friend. When i said to self, "so he wants me to ask x if he can...", I saw large grey fluff about size of baseball, zoom off & out of room. Feet stopped vibrating. When i first moved in, i noticed that my feet would start vibrating when a black mist thing rolled across the floor. I've seen it before, & lifted legs off ground as it rolled on by. But haven't seen it in a while, but feet / body does vibrate. Its almost 4 am where i am, i want to go to bed, but i'm vibrating, & because of recent insights around these vibes, i find it hard to sleep without medication. When my whole body vibes, i've seen the mist around me. not sure what to do, or how to deal with it.  continued....

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

6.    At the place i lived near creepy old man, i started to have vibes start when a young male moved in...What i noticed was that i was sore & achy all the time, & couldn't sleep. Had knee pain all the time. he had knee issues. At one point, the pain stopped & i started vibrating. He drank alot, and i seemed to vibrate as he drank, and stopped vibrating when he passed out, or left the house. If he was up all night, i was up all night because of the vibrations. I couldn't sleep, i'd fall asleep, something woke wake me up, or pull me awake? At some points, i could see a shadowy outline of someone standing about my root area, if i was in bed. And could often feel his loathing of me. In past, i try to pay attention to changes in my mood, or body language as a gauge of whom is tapping in, but not sure of recent 'visitor'. Like right now, i'm biting my nails {never do that}, seeing white wisps coming towards my left front heart area, & a black one to my right...and hear voices? far away, like someone is at my door. I'm still up. My lower chakras are pulsing, i smell apple cider? And i am vibrating...and have tingles? in inner pant area. I had this years ago when my boyfriend would think of me, yet i'm single, so? These too, keep me awake. 

7.    At other times in last few weeks, i've had dreams of a black spider on my left hand & a grey one on my right one, when i was asked to helped out a neighbor. I got bad feeling not to. Then these dreams occurred. I have had left hand go numb in sleep, & be ice cold. And my right hand cramp up. prior to these dreams.

8.    Recently trying to sleep in the room, ignoring vibrations, i saw all kinds of unpleasant faces before me. I've had them before, often associated with the living. Things in them, or part of whom they are? Or projections they send out, so i will react? Yet getting past these faces, i couldn't sleep. I was up until 8 am! Had been in bed by 11. Really annoying. The meds the doc gave me, knock you out, and it used to take me all day to wake up, snap out of it,  after using them. or i'd be exhausted all day. I don't like using them, because i know they lower your vibration, & this can create an 'open door' effect? Yesterday, i had taken the med to sleep, but still wide awake. I only fell asleep when i crashed on couch. continued...

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

9.  Also when astral, i have been seeing that the astral part of my room looks grey, deep blue walls, like an old basement, storage room. Above me is a large hole in the ceiling. At times there is a lady there that i used to live with, but have not seen in 2 years. I think she reflects the new neighbor, as what i dream of, she later speaks of. When she first moved in, i had these pokes at pancreas start, felt self get tired fast. but only when her not so friendly boyfriend was around.

10.    I've also seen fluffs from ceiling, which look like dirty cobwebs {not in here though}, that long ago, i realized weren't physical, but astral energy. I'd clean one, to find it back the next day. Or someone sitting under one, acted like the person whom always sat in that chair. Taking tuning forks to them, they retracted to ceiling, & disappeared. Odd? I've often seen them in areas where someone drinks in excess or is chronically negative. I've also had dark shadow like figures in here, when feeling watched or energy vamped,  but put high vibe crystals in area, i've often seen a human figure, often some living in the apartments.

Anyone else had these experiences? and any guidance on dealing with it?

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

Today, i've been up for almost 24 hours!...asking whats going on? am i keeping self awake because i don't feel safe enough to sleep? As I notice my face doesn't look like me....and my body language is odd...biting nails {don't do that}...moving fingers around, like a lady i once knew...Then something popped up nearby my right foot...a red coil of wire. A few days ago, asking the same thing, I had a bandaid appear at my right hip area, where i've been sore...I've been feeling back root pulls all night, & lower leg vibrations...

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

THANK YOU.....to whom ever has been helping me get thru stuff, the last few days!

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

powessy, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

hello musicsoulfae

I to see the black dots those that are similar to flies, I also see white and black clouds moving in and throughout the house. Your awakening and souls ascension  into your higher self is causing your advanced feelings of these entities. They will soon be gone so do not be to alarmed or scared, you are being protected by many of the light. I once thought these things were thoughts coming from others, you are half right. The truth is they are the fragments of bad souls that never sought out the light after death and their energy is running out but you have nothing to fear from them. Stay calm and be strong the time is close. 

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

I just found this post on this forum, and it very helpful and reflects alot of my experiences: http://www.forumforastral.com/techniques-and-help-to-astral-projection/symptoms-of-oncoming-conscious-projections-and-a-full-blown-conscious-oobe/

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

hello musicsoulfae

I to see the black dots those that are similar to flies, I also see white and black clouds moving in and throughout the house. Your awakening and souls ascension  into your higher self is causing your advanced feelings of these entities. They will soon be gone so do not be to alarmed or scared, you are being protected by many of the light. I once thought these things were thoughts coming from others, you are half right. The truth is they are the fragments of bad souls that never sought out the light after death and their energy is running out but you have nothing to fear from them. Stay calm and be strong the time is close.

thanks, that helps, i've been seeing the clouds too,and got the lost soul thing. one thing i noticed is that when i was having problems with a tenant, i became aware of an old man looking at me. Not anyone i ever knew, but i have seen the face pop out of others, especially the guy that now lives here. Ironic in ways, because he was a different person when he moved in, now acts like he owns the place. Thats when i saw the face over his face. Anyway, thanks again

Oh yeah, have you ever seen what looks like a pillar of red light beside someone? A month ago, i saw it really close by my left side, felt super uncomfy...other day, i saw it feet away....the first time i noticed anything like this was when i got pictures developed, there was this red tube like thing in all the photos, to my left!

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

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