Experiment: Telling your dream character they are just your imagination and see their reaction

Posted about 8 years ago , by Praveen Kumar S


Tell my dream character that they are just my in my dream, to observer their reaction, surrounding and have conversation if possible.

Things I did

I was in a sleep paralysis and did another experiment. Then I felt not to get out of the body this time, so that I can complete this experiment.

Lucid Dream 1: Initiating a dream from sleep paralysis and tell them that they are in my dream

I was in sleep paralysis and completed the other experiment, I felt not to astral project this time, but continue experimenting with Lucid dreaming, which is, telling your dream character that they are just a figment of my imagination to observer their reaction.

I just started to imagine myself that I am walking on a road. It was dusky, the roads were very bad with lot of potholes and it was raining over there (similar to below picture).

I wanted to stop rain as I was not able to see my surroundings clearly, I just used vocal command to stop the rain and it stopped. I couldn't see anyone in the road, I just went inside a house and found few people inside, I told them to come out to the road and they came. I told one of them that he is in my dream and he is just a dream character of mine, he gave an expression like image below and vanished.

I was bit sad that he vanished, I didn't expect people to vanish as I wanted to have a conversation with them. I turned to a lady and said the same, she vanished too. Suddenly, I wasn't lucid.

Lucid dream 2

I was into another dream, where me and my mother was standing in a railway station waiting for a train.

My mom started the conversation like, Are you sure you are not dreaming right now?

I said, of course I am not in dream right now.

She then said, prove it!

I said my mom, I will jump right now and I will be back down, if I was in dream, I would float.

I just jumped and started to float. I was like WTF, why didn't I know, lost conscious again and went into another dream.

Lucid Dream 3

I was into another dream again, where I was in some classroom, very small room with few strangers. I was blank and didn't know what am I suppose to do there. Suddenly a thought came in my mind, I thought, Let me do a reality check now, It will help me get lucid tonight.

There was an empty water bottle on table, I was trying to pick it up without touching it (telekinesis). I don't know where did I read such a reality check. The bottle started to float similarly show in the picture below.

I announced the fellow people who were in my dream that, It's my dream and you are all my dream character. They all started to rebel against me and to capture me. I simply started to throw everyone using my telekinesis power like in below picture. With all these fight, I just lost my lucidity again.

Lucid dream 4

After all the fight with telekinesis, I lost my lucidity and woke up (false awakening) in one of my old house and I was walking into living room, I suddenly got lucid as I found out that it's my old house. I saw my parents and my wife sitting in living room talking to each other.

I interrupted them and told my dad that it's my dream and you are all my dream characters. Then the most interesting conversation started.

My mom didn't believe and asked me to stop talking non-sense, I just turned towards my wife and told her the same, she was very confused on what to reply, I just turned to my dad and I saw my dad cloned and both of them were sitting next to each other without noticing it. I just showed that to my wife, she saw that and she became more confused. I told my dad to turn and see his clone sitting next to him, when my dad and mom turned to see the clone, the clone vanished and they did't see it. Again my mom asked me to stop this non-sense, I told I can prove it to you by lifting an object without even touching it and started to pick the TV remote without touching it, my dad said, anyone can do this and he did that too.

I was totally confused on how to convince them, I just said that I will bring a clone of my mom from kitchen. I went searching her inside kitchen, she wasn't there, then I went to washroom and found her brushing teeth. I told her to come with me and suddenly my mom who was sitting in living room vanished. My wife and dad saw that and got confused again.

After all these, lot of people started to flood the scene, I started to shout at them saying that you all don't belong here and you guys have to leave immediately, one of the person started to ask money to leave the place. I just hit him with my hands and woke up in reality.

It's very long post, please bear with me. Thanks for reading. Feel free to share your thoughts about it.

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Antony, ----

Oh-oh-oh! What did I just read? It's amazing. I don't know how I missed this! I will try the same and post it here. Let's see how it goes.

Posted about 8 years ago

Nemo, (Darkandintense)
1 like by

Wow super cool.

Posted over 7 years ago

thanks for sharing.

very nice. I'll try in my Lucid Dream

Posted almost 7 years ago

Demon slayer, Astral Siles

Wow...!! This Is An Excellent Post. Thanks For Sharing.

Posted over 5 years ago

Abdul kareem, Lucid Dreamer Astral traveller Meditator

Hehe yeah i know they jut disappear and to chase me here is my Lucid dream I was dreaming i saw i am walking on the road near my house then i suddenly i became lucid and then i was very happy and enjoying i saw a men and i told him hey do you know i am lucid dreaming and you are not real then he chased me i was running and laughing and then i thought i should fly that men maybe stop chasing me and maybe he couldn't fly but when i start flying that men flying too now i worried oh God what that men want why he want to fight me ? And when I got to a great height, I looked down and I was scared because I wasn't a master at the time and I fell and i looked back the men was not there he disappeared

Posted over 4 years ago

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