Your Experience On Lucid dreaming

Lucid Dreaming the Future

DH, DingdongDaDio
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Hello humans of the internet

This is my first post so let me know if I'm in the wrong area for this topic please

Im hoping someone here can give me some insight into lucid dreaming. First of all ill let you know a few things about myself so this story will make more sense. I am currently in my late 20s living in the Republic of Ireland. I moved to Ireland as a child from England and stayed there until the age of 17 when my family then decided to move back to England. At 20 I decided to move to the U.S where I lived until the age of 25. At 25 I decided to move back to Ireland. Anyway now that that's out the way I can talk my one and only lucid dream.

When I was about 20-21 while in America I fell asleep like any other night. There where no drugs or drink involved just a regular nights sleep. At some point while sleeping...(continued)

Posted about 4 years ago | 800 views

Experiment: Telling your dream character they are just your imagination and see their reaction

Abdul kareem, Lucid Dreamer Astral traveller Meditator
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Hehe yeah i know they jut disappear and to chase me here is my Lucid dream I was dreaming i saw i am walking on the road near my house then i suddenly i became lucid and then i was very happy and enjoying i saw a men and i told him hey do you know i am lucid dreaming and you are not real then he chased me i was running and laughing and then i thought i should fly that men maybe stop chasing me and maybe he couldn't fly but when i start flying that men flying too now i worried oh God what that men want why he want to fight me ? And when I got to a great height, I looked down and I was scared because I wasn't a master at the time and I fell and i looked back the men was not there he disappeared

Posted over 4 years ago | 2492 views

I OBE during a semi lucid dream

Do you purposely hide your body? Why do you hide your body in the lucid dream? Have you ever returned to the same lucid dream for your body or do you lap into another dream? Have you ever hid someone else and come back for them? How old are you?

Posted over 5 years ago | 1490 views

Am keep having this dream quite often

From my childhood the same dream comes to me very often like twice in a month the dream is like a lion is trying to kill me and i hides from the lion sometimes in my dream the lion kills me and other times i escpaes from it..i dont why this dreamr repeats very often... Does anybody please,explain it to me why this happnes?

Posted about 6 years ago | 792 views

Symbolism of dreams

Recently I got in the habit of jotting down all experiences during sleep (dreams). However, I still have a lot of difficulty in being able to interpret a dream.

Do you know someone else's efficient analysis method ??

I like to see the meaning of my dreams in this site: Dreams Means Although the content is great, the site is in Portuguese.

Any tips for correctly interpreting dreams?

Posted over 6 years ago | 893 views

Not sure if I was lucid dreaming or if I astral projected

Indrid Pidruchney, Hear Sight See Sound
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The dream world and astral plane are almost the same thing but, they most likely are seperated by levels of awareness (frequency); just like different colours are still part of the same spectrum called light. If you don't usually dream this kind of thing, especially seeing symbols around you and brilliant sky and grass (very akin to high vibration astral experience, where you can start to see things that are shared in the collective memories of people), as well as the sense that your cat had a living presence and communicated with you on some level, then I would consider this an astral experience.

Posted about 7 years ago | 2011 views

Bastet the Cat Goddess (Egyptian)

Hello, I thing it was just a few months back this year were I had a dream of a cat that had brown dreadlocks that dropped over one shoulder that roamed the streets in a town scaring people including myself to the point I waken myself up.

I believe I had this dream because much earlier in the year in my witchcraft studies I dedicated my time and energy to Bastet. Till one day I gotten into Tarot and ask if she was real and it responded saying no. So I'd completely cut off my connection with her.

Posted about 7 years ago | 1193 views

Having the same dream

For such a long time I kept having the same dream over and over again for a few months. It felt a little bit like a lucid dream at first but every time I did the same thing. I was inside a clothing store and I was walking toward a rack that of jackets that were army green. As I'm walking I hear buzzing that gets louder the closer I get. Usually I would get to the rack and then wake up because the buzzing started to scare me. But one time I had the dream and wondered what would happened if I didn't wake up. I had the dream again and the usual happened... except this time, when I got to the rack I refused to run away (wake up) I continued on and walked pass the rack and suddenly the buzzing got super loud and it appeared as it the store or room was vibrating heavily. It felt like I was in a box and a child was shaking it as if I were...(continued)

Posted over 7 years ago | 1000 views

Very vivid (lucid?) dream

Eli, I dont know what this is ._.
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hehe, in dream selves can be significantly altered to what we are in real life i guess, but hey atleast you had fun XD

Posted over 7 years ago | 1266 views

Superpowers in lucid dreams

lucidman, IM will im 21 and i am on a journey to learn how to lucid dream and astro project. maybe meet a few people who i can learn from and walk towards the same journey :))))))))))))))
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we are not aware in our dreams because we think of ourselves to be awake. I am beginning to learn to lucid dream I have quite a big intrest in dreams and lucidity. love your post

Posted almost 8 years ago | 2489 views

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