Want help understanding Astral Projection

Posted over 8 years ago , by Leora


I have not ever astral projected but I have had a few somewhat out of body experiences which may have been similar. I am interested in learning how to astral project but I have a concern that I want to express before I begin.

First, I want to ask a question about my previous experience. I have had an experience before, about seven years ago, where I was traveling with my boyfriend and his family. His brother has developed great expansion and my vibrations were affected by his presence, naturally. We were in the middle of an eye to eye meditation when suddenly I began to breathe in deeply, the longest breathe of my life. My body became straight and the deeper my breathe became the more my head was pulled up until I began to lift off the floor. I just barely lifted when he moved his arms and my breathe ended abruptly and I became grounded again.

Is this similar to astral projection? Or is this a different experience? I do feel vibrations in my body (like tingling) in the early morning. Is this something I should tap into to begin astral projection?

And also, a question of concern, some of the comments I have seen speaks about sex during astral projection. I come from the vipassana meditation tradition which is more conservative. And I also feel that sexual vibrations can be much lower energy depending on the intention. For this reason, and based on the intentions I have seen from the comments on the forum about sex during projection, I am concerned about what I may be stepping into.

My priority is to meet spirit guides, understand my pre-birth intentions, and to move towards higher vibrations. I want to be sure that I will have control about not entering into experiences that I have no desire to be part of. If I begin astral projection, I want to know that I will not be meeting others projecting who have the ability to harm me. I also do not want to step into a "room" or "situation" where I am exposed to an energy/experience that I have not consented to or wish to even observe. Since I have never projected before, I would much appreciate some inside information regarding my concern that can help me understand what I would be facing.

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Okay. Whoa ! That is a lot of stuff smile

First off your experience is really interesting but i don't know if it would be called an astral projection because you didn't feel any vibrations as i understood .

The tingling you feel in the morning is an early stage of sleep paralysis. If you relax deeper and try to fall asleep then wake up again you might achieve sleep paralysis.

You shouldn't be concerned about sex and other entities in the spiritual dimensions. Your soul/spirit/astral body is immortal and nothing can hurt you or do "anything" to you without your will ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) . Nobody has the ability to harm you , human on not .Do not go around fighting demons yet.If your spirit gets hurt your physical body might get sick ( nothing serious a cold at the most ). If you feed negative entities they get stronger and if they get really strong i have heard that they can move things in the 3d open_mouth .

We as humans are powerful beings and frequently feared by other entities. I wouldn't go around asking everyone and everything in the spiritual realms questions. You might come across some entity that will lie to you about "the meaning of life " while his friends are hiding around the corner giggling. Make sure you are talking to angels when you ask questions and don't bombard them.

I hope i answered all your questions .Sorry if i missed any :S much love <3

Posted over 8 years ago

Thank you for the response. That was helpful.

I did feel vibrations during my experience but mostly a pulling upward. I was sitting crossed leg, upright. Have you ever heard of this kind of experience before? Does it have a name?


Posted over 8 years ago

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If you felt like lifting off the floor, then I suppose you probably had begun to separate, since vibrations are perceived differently from each person, raging from tingling to intense full-body vibration.Some people hear a high-pitched noise, some a faint buzzing, some feel painless electricity running through their bodies, and some, don't feel vibrations at all.

Therefore you should choose a routine and stick to it, if you see it's not working, then you should keeping switching methods until you find one that works best for you.

Now, I agree with Jon for the most part, but there's some things I'd like to address.

I won't sugar coat anything - Ah, but I'm not saying he did though - I'll just say this because I've talked with a lot of experienced folks that warned me. As a matter of fact, I think there's a lot of people aware of the dangers of astral projection.

So, let's address this, to hold high vibrations while astral projection it's indispensable. I can not stress how crucial it is.

More than anything else,not only is easier to leave the body when you're feeling frequencies of joy,gratitude and love, but you'll be safe as well.

If you're able to get out in a low vibrational state (which is difficult) you will project in a lower plane, with not-nice-at-all entities that might attack you and drain energy, not to mention to cause psychological trauma.

Regarding about astral sex, at least the dark side of it. I'll just say this: astral rape. It's a thing.

Let's look a little deeper into it, because most of the times, it doesn't happen the way you think.The situation where you're must likely - but not only - experience an astral rape, is while in sleep paralysis. Now, I know that you can hallucinate, you can see and hear things, but feel something touching you, that's totally different, moreover it won't be the conventional touch in your hand, it will be in... unusual places. And even though you'll be frightened, it's possible that you'll feel aroused.

It can also happen while you're asleep as normal. Let's see a situation for example: that super hot guy with whom you fooled around in yesterday's dream. There's something odd about him,scary,even.But you don't pay too much mind, because the dream was just too good. And he comes back in the next dream,and the next, and the next... and by the end of the week you're strangerly worn-out, by the end of the next, you feel like you're getting sick. How come?

As you've already guessed, incubi and succubi are real. But worry not. This is rare, and if you ever find yourself being assaulted in any manner, all you need to do is keep calm and pray for your guides,asking them to send the intruder on his on way. Then again, is rare. The chances of happening are infinitesimal.

And when you're in the astral, if you keep a high vibrational state, you won't even have to worry about them getting near you. If you happen to ran in evil entities, the best thing you can do is ignore them and keep your vibrations high, they won't want to be anywhere near you, and by doing so chances are you won't be attacked. It's rare but sometimes, even when you don't feel fear and isn't deliberately for trouble at all, there will be some being cheeky enough to think about dissing you.

If that ever happens, just chase it away, by thinking about good things. Imagine that a pure light is envolving you like a shield and call for your guides.

Now, as Jon said, it's not a good idea to wander aimlessly looking for your guide, some being might be at the same frequency as you, so you won't be able to tell it's a bad guy, and it will likely try to deceive you.

It's very good and recommendable to know your guides beforehand. To connect with them it's not that hard.

Before trying to project again, get some time to bond with your guides.Start by praying and thanking them every day. Keep with your meditation but in a different approach, when your mind is clear, imagine yourself climbing up stairs that lead to a beautiful place, sit up and ask if they have any message they'd like to pass to you. Ask them to show up in your dreams. Talk to them even when you can't hear anything. Ask for signs. You might be surprised of how creative and shrewd they are. Ask for their names, you should get an answer after a few days or couple of weeks.

After you've bonded with them, try projecting again, they can even help you in a certain way.

Blast, I wrote too much. Sorry It's a bad habit of getting carried away.

In any case I hope you're successful with meeting your guides as well as your projection. All the best ! (•ᴗ•)

Posted over 8 years ago

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A few weeks ago i had this experience where i was in sleep paralysis and i felt like something , an energy was all around me . It felt good for while it lasted . But for the next few days i was depressed and sick. I raised my vibrational level which made me feel better . I came to the conclusion that it was all hallucination.I think that i posted about that experience in this forum somewhere :3 But now that you mentioned it i am starting to believe that i was attacked ;-;

I agree at most parts with Jo but i would like to say this.We as human beings are powerful spiritual beings , the more powerful you think you are , the powerful you will be in the astral realms.The fear of our physical body is our weakness , but the fact that we dont need to get fed by other beings to get stronger is our advantage. As long as you feel powerful you are .

Ill try to contact my guides by doing what you said .It sounds dope <3 blush

Posted over 8 years ago

Yolke , Dreaming

Don't wanna come off as a werido but, you seem to know a lot of things, YngJo, have you ever projected? I'm having trouble to project and I would like some tips... if possible...

I absolutely agreed with all you said, and I agree with Jon, partly.

He has a good point saying we don't need to feed off of other beings to get stonger, but I believe this is because we have a physical body and they don't. Humans can be porwerful, but other beings also can, it's a matter of willpower.

Posted over 8 years ago

I like your profile pic loolll :'D

Posted over 8 years ago

LOL I like it too XD

"you seem to know a lot of things" Me?? If only. I still have a long way to go, but I'm happy about this compliment. Thank you. (Is it a compliment? I'll take as compliment lol)

I haven't projected yet. I was almost successful in my first attempt 5 years ago, but got interrupted which left me very upset at that time. I only resumed Ap over 3 months ago. But in these 5 years of inactivity I've done a lot of research from various sources. Still,I have a lot of learning to do. Thank god I'm young and still have lots of time (Well, assuming I'll die of natural causes).

So any time you have a doubt I'll gladly try by best to shed some light in the matter (If it's within my power).

I've never thought about it but I guess you're right, we're probably stonger than than because of our bodies. But it's not like we don't depend of other forms of life to exist either, I mean, I think nearly everything we eat, if not everything, comes from/are living beings. Ex: vegetables and animals.

They die so we can live, so I guess we're not that much different from most of beings, in a certain way.But I digress. Just wondering if you meant something along these lines.

Now for Jon's answer, you might have been attacked :0

This is no bueno! You're right, you should keep your vibrations high, so the interloper won't come back. And contact your guides is just an awesome idea! You'll really enjoy, life will seem like a dream with their presence.Speaking of which make sure to thank the guides from the past too. I'm sure you know that we have only one that's kind of the main one and has been with us since when we were born, sometimes even in a previous life, and there's the ones that are temporary, so a guide from your childhood might not be together with you anymore, and maybe there's new ones now.

Just a little time of your day you dedicate to them and they'll be super happy (╹ڡ╹)

Posted over 8 years ago

i red your reply last night before i went to sleep >.< ( i hit sleep paralysis every time i lay down ). So having red your comment stating that the entity might come back i was spooked ;-; .I laid down thinking that i was haunted by a demon xd .

When sleep paralysis came i panicked but i tried to keep my vibrational level high blush Ahahh . I was constantly saying to my self " peace , harmony , confidence " to chill me out.The more i thought of those few words the more deep my sleep paralysis became and the slower my heart rate blush .But the idea of the demon never left my head . I thought about it for a split second and my heart rate went up . Sleep paralysis faded away . And i was thankful xd

What i am trying to say is . Do you know if this " thing" is going to be trying to feed off of me forever ? Because i thought it went away. Should i get out and beat it up ? I am not scared of it xd

Posted over 8 years ago

It depends on how you were attacked. As I understood you felt some kind of energy around you, right? But not a direct touch, but what I need to know is how good you felt. Was good as in " a warm and peaceful feeling" or good as " sexually aroused"?

If it's the first one then it might have not been an attack.Now, if it's the second...

I'm not sure if it will come back to attack you again, attacks can always happen but it might be different entities each time.

I had some rather eerie experiences throughout my life.All of the houses I've lived in have always been haunted since when I can remember. But the ghosts here are not evil though, just a little pawky.So my experiences with them range to just a little scary to not scary at all.

Now, I don't now if it's more than one, or the same entity, but something that's not my house's ghosts attacked me.

The first time I don't really consider an attack, but it was still spooky and gave strong goosebumps, it went like this :

In the beggining it was just some kind of faint breathing and sometimes weak,distorted whispers near my ear in the middle of the night. It would scare me and I would cover my head with the blankets.But one day it touched my arm and started to breathe again, scared, I mentally asked to it to stop, then , for the life of me, I could not make this up, the thing whispered in my ear : you know you like it [ insert my name here].

I booked out of my room.Thanks to that I had my ears covered every night for a while. That happened last year and I only stopped covering my ears about 7 months ago.

The other 2 times were way scarier. Have you had similiar experiences?

Since you didn't willingly invited this being, I don't think it will attack you again, but if you happen to be attacked, to "fight back" it's not recommendable. It might backfire. I don't know how do you intend to fight them though, so it could be that you were going to do what I'm about to say already, I think you would.

Depending on how we fight back it can backfire, but how? When you get angry and try to forcefully get rid of the little bastard, it only makes it madder, because anger in this situation means deep down you're scared and trying to protect yourself, they sense it and get stronger. So in this case what do you want to do? That's right, you want to take a deep breath and keep calm, clear you heart, think of good things and pray to your guides promptly remove the unwanted visitor.

At some point you'll be strong and able to chase away the being by yourself just by thinking about it.

Posted over 8 years ago

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