Spirit guide? Evil spirit?

Posted about 12 years ago , by Alfontanas

Hello guys, I'm Alfonso, Yesterday night I was lying there in my bed, I was on sleep paralysis, this has happened to me many times I tried to relax ( I always get way too excited at this point and I try to force myself to leave my body) I was calm and taking deep breaths, It was really weird I must say, I think I was about to do it, and A voice since I got the state of sleep paralysis started talking , He said many things but I clearly heard :  Tense your body ( I'm not really sure if he meant "don't tense your body") the last thing he said was : " Come from the death" and I all fo a sudden I was "there" in my bed again, then a frog appeared , like the shadow and started hoping from one side to the other like 4 times and then I was " awake" I could move,

I decided not to try it anymore, my heart rate had increased and I fell asleep, I was in a dream, I was in danger and I wish I could have a flamethrower xD I did it with me mind , at that moment I knew it was a lucid dream!( I always get nervous at this point too) I thought quickly in the astral world, but I found my self in sleep paralysis and nothing happened....

That's my story I'm happy to share it with you guys, see you next time!

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Theblackrabbitofinle, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

alfontanas, when you become lucid in a dream, think of vibrations in your body. You will immediately find yourself back in your body, imagine the vibrations and they should come. Then you can exit.

Posted almost 12 years ago
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