Seeking some Help.!!

Posted about 12 years ago , by Sanyam

Hello everyone,

I am new to this forum. And I read many of the posts here which really have helped me. To start with, I would like to make some things clear. It has been a month or something since I am practicing Astral projection. I have never practiced Lucid dreaming consciously in my Life. I am a new bee in the same, though I have studied quite a lot about it. And I have been practicing Meditation of third eye since many years. I would like some help. Hope I can get it here. Well, I usually try astral projection during the evening hours, near around 07 PM daily. I know this is not a good time unlike the very effects of astral projection which take place during the early morning hours. But I can find peace and silence during these hours, and proceed with the relaxation state. I successfully pass the hypnagogic and phosphogenes stage. And often times I successfully come past the Vibration stage too. My body feels really heavy that time. I am never scared or frightened about the same. The difficulty I come across is, how can I roll my body out then.? I have studied various stuff here, about the mouth exit and all, but trying all doesn't help. Every time, I visualize that My astral body is leaving physical body, at the end there is always this feeling at back of my mind that This all is my IMAGINATION and no astral body. Hence I lose the trance. I visualize that my astral body is leaving me, it sees my physical body in the room, and can travel various places, but I am not sure of this being astral projection or mere imagination. Reason being, I don't know how it really feels doing the astral travel. Travelling in the astral planes etc. Can we feel our physical body when we astral travel.? Do our physical body moves that time.? What it EXACTLY feels like, when you leave your body.? How do you know, it's not imagination and your astral body.?  Please help me with the same.!
P.S. Sometimes I find it hard to make my vibrations flow into my chest and head. Is there a way to do the same with ease. I have read, that it shouldn't include any efforts and come out normally. Reply is greatly appreciated.
Thanks a lot in advance  :)

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almos, I'm Here for Inner Awakening


  Unlike imagining that you're leaving the body, the actual projection of consciousness is an immersive experience. That is, when actually "leaving the body" you will have a distinct feeling of actually rolling out of your bed, or rising from it. Bear in mind, it's still a subjective experience, but it's completely different from imagination - in the same way that imagining a room with your eyes closed is different from actually seeing it.

  As to your problem - I've rarely had complete control over my experiences, but managed to achieve one completely controlled projection and, on another occasion, nearly achieved it. I did it by focusing my attention at the base of my neck - so I could actually feel the pressure there - and then moving this attention away from my body. Or you can try - I did it a long time ago - to imagine a rocking sensation, or a sensation of floating or falling. You should imagine this sensation until it becomes vivid - so that you no longer imagine, but feel you're rocking or floating. In my experience feeling is more important than visual imagination.

  Try this exercise: focus your attention on some part of your body, for instance on your hand, until you begin to 'feel' your hand with greater intensity than usual. When your attention - and consciousness - are focused in this chosen point, try to move it away from your physical body. It won't result in instant projection, but will give you the feeling of what you should do once you're in the hypnagogic state.

    Hope this helps.

Edit: I've underlined all the parts of the post which are about the actual techniques.

Posted about 12 years ago (updated about 12 years ago)

Sanyam, I'm Here for Inner Awakening


  Unlike imagining that you're leaving the body, the actual projection of consciousness is an immersive experience. That is, when actually "leaving the body" you will have a distinct feeling of actually rolling out of your bed, or rising from it. Bear in mind, it's still a subjective experience, but it's completely different from imagination - in the same way that imagining a room with your eyes closed is different from actually seeing it.

  As to your problem - I've rarely had complete control over my experiences, but managed to achieve one completely controlled projection and, on another occasion, nearly achieved it. I did it by focusing my attention at the base of my neck - so I could actually feel the pressure there - and then moving this attention away from my body. Or you can try - I did it a long time ago - to imagine a rocking sensation, or a sensation of floating or falling. You should imagine this sensation until it becomes vivid - so that you no longer imagine, but feel you're rocking or floating. In my experience feeling is more important than visual imagination.

  Try this exercise: focus your attention on some part of your body, for instance on your hand, until you begin to 'feel' your hand with greater intensity than usual. When your attention - and consciousness - are focused in this chosen point, try to move it away from your physical body. It won't result in instant projection, but will give you the feeling of what you should do once you're in the hypnagogic state.

    Hope this helps.

Edit: I've underlined all the parts of the post which are about the actual techniques.

Thank you very much for the reply almos.! The advice to focus my complete attention on a single body part sounds really good and working. I will definitely try it today. I hope this works with me well  :)
P.S. About the rocking sensation, will you please elaborate it.? Some more details would help much.! Thanks again.

Posted about 12 years ago

almos, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

The 'rocking' is a technique described by Austrian occultist Alfred Ballabene. It involves imagining that you're rocking or floating or falling until you begin to actually feel you are. It's described on what is left of his "Astral Pages":

Posted about 12 years ago

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