scared about this

Posted about 11 years ago , by Taikamiya

as a kid i always felt the vibrating when id go to take a nap and wonder what the hell was going on. Recently i decided to just let go and let it happen after reading about astral projection. last night i finally did it. I rolled right out of my body onto the floor. The first thing i noticed was the heat of someones hands as if they were behind me and there arms were over my shoulders and down on my stomach. As if i was sitting in there lap. they then whispered did it take you long to get out? chills went all about me and i shot back into my body terrified. Are there always gunna be entities waiting for me? and will this affect my life in the pysical realm example: me seeing ghosts and crap all the time. this experience is overwhelming yet I am drawn to it.

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CrimpJiggler, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I doubt it. When I get up out of my body from sleep paralysis, sometimes theres something there, but usually the room is empty. For example, once I got out of my body and there was a little girl sitting in the corner of my room watching TV. In real life, theres no TV there, theres a mirror. Another time I got out of my body, and I was immobile, I couldn't move. Oddly enough, there was someones foot in front of my face. I couldn't see whos foot it was, there was just a foot with a sock on it in my face lol. Bizarre stuff. I'm pretty sure you won't be seeing ghosts and stuff, I got the same scare a couple of nights ago, I could still see this ghostly person after I woke up, but she faded away after about 10 seconds. I feel arms wrapped around me every time I go into sleep paralysis, I've gotten used to it so it doesn't really disturb me anymore.

Posted about 11 years ago

taikamiya, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

thanks for answering. Doesnt seem like alot of people want to comment back and get involved much on this site. Maybe ill try it again next time but im scared to see what will be holding me

Posted about 11 years ago

CrimpJiggler, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I recommend facing the fear and taking a look at what is holding you. I know exactly what you mean, I often keep my eyes closed in sleep paralysis out of fear that I might see something scary, but when you just face the fear you see theres nothing to be scared of. When I was on ritalin, the kind of sleep paralysis I used to get was different, I would instantly get this sense of pure dread, like something was terribly wrong, that kept scaring me so bad that I would pull myself out of paralysis straight away. It got to the point where I was sick of running from it, so I just stayed there to see what was so bad and after about a minute, the sense of terror completely vanished and everything was fine, I could then drift into a lucid dream and have fun. That saying "theres nothing to fear but fear itself" couldn't be more true when it comes to sleep paralysis. Its the fear itself thats scary, not the sleep paralysis. If these things are actually spirits, then they're all around us anyway, so we're not really in any greater danger when we can see them. I understand 100% though, I'm not scared of real life dangerous situations, but the idea of ghosts and spirits have scared me ever since I was a kid. Sleep paralysis and OBEs are truly a blessing because they enable me to face that fear head on.

BTW my dad is a hardcore occultist, and he showed me this thing he called "the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram", which he said rids the area of any lesser beings (as in evil spirits) on the astral level. I didn't believe in any of this stuff back then so I thought it was hilarious him saying this with a serious look on his face, but after having OBEs, I'm more open minded. I recently looked into it, and found this article:
there are other things I've read about over the years too, like orgonite. Supposedly it makes the area uninhabitable to evil things from other dimensions. I don't know if I believe in any of this stuff, but I had a strange experience (I woke someone up when I was in an OBE, and the next day they said they woke up and saw me hovering above their bed the night before) which gives me good reason to be more open minded about this stuff.

Posted about 11 years ago (updated about 11 years ago)

taikamiya, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Wow thats great. Ya its weird when i was a bit younger you think you know everything your taught in school and after going through alot of hard stuff growing up ive become soo much more open minded to the universe. Im also less scared of death now that i know about astral travel, is that the same with you? Do you believe that we have life after death

Posted about 11 years ago

thanks for answering. Doesnt seem like alot of people want to comment back and get involved much on this site. Maybe ill try it again next time but im scared to see what will be holding me

We reply to nearly everything, But if you read the rules in this forum you will notice there is a rule that says :- avoid misguiding anyone!, So if we really dont know the answer we dont reply untill someone knows enough.

And about what he said about still seeing a demon after he woke up for 10 seconds and then it disappeared, I really saw it once! Once i astral projected and when i came back to my body i saw a VERY huge mosquito into the wall! I mean really really huge! Around 15 times bigger than the real life mosquito! , My brother was near me when he saw me freezing while watching it on the wall, he got shocked a little from my look, but yes it disappeared after 15 or 10 seconds

And yes mate, there is life after death, im not just sure but instead im sure as much as i know that i am a man!

Posted about 11 years ago

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