Hi all, I read this post.
Really a new technique, I used it and I really got the results.
I came back from my office and just thought of giving it a try. So I just went to bed and started repeating 'Mind Awake, body Asleep' over and over again. So after sometime I forgot to repeat it and I fell asleep. But after sometime I got vibrations and I struggled to get out of my body. At first struggle I couldn't able to get out. So I got irritated and I gave up :(
After I gave up, I was still in vibrations. I had somewhere in this forum. Like we have to be calm while we need to get out of body. So I remembered that. I was calm at that time. I just woke up like I woke up in reality. But I woke up in the Astral Plane. I enjoyed going out of my home. It was really awesome experience.
Thanks to Makaveli for sharing a good trick :)