Real or Just Imagination?

Posted about 8 years ago , by Kimberly Gates

Hi. I am very new to astral projection. I have only been trying for about a month. The only 2 times I feel I've been close, I've experienced the following: 1: I went into a hypnogogic state, and I think I felt vibrations. My eyes were closed, but I could see the ceiling tile above me. It was very bright and vivid. I then awoke. 2: I came closer this time, having very strong vibrations. My heart then started beating very fast and strong. I felt it was going to come out of my chest. I felt it, not just heard it loudly, as I've read about sometimes happens. It startled me and I came out of the state I was in. Am I getting close? How long does it take to achieve an O.B.E.?

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Your description is so uncanny, I could could have wrote it word for word to describe one of my earliest experiences, down to noticing the ceiling tiles, in fact I consider it my first astral experience. The only difference being I wasn't really trying to do these things, they were and are just happening to me. I've projected for over 12 years now and still have experiences like the one you described, its beyond close, it essentially is a projection, if by projection you consider it a 'projection' of your consciousness into your astral body. But yes, I wouldn't rate these kind as desirable and I think, the proximity of the physical body may account for some experiences such as this, I have never had a particularly pleasant projection anywhere within 5-10 meteres of my physical body (you know, relatively in the physical), but for me, I just kind of become aware in my astral and if I do so outside of that distance I tend to be pretty clear, calm and in control. I'm sure people who are intentionally practising can escape the influence of the physical and its hold, which I am sure is responsible for these heavy eexperiences and heart beats etc, a kind of dual consciousness if you will. All these concepts aren't particularly new or mine, but they are ones I've been able to observe and verify and have fitted into my beliefs about prpejection. So essentially you're beyond close, if not there already, though for me the quality of projections vary vastly in no small part due to the influence of the physical body in your vincinity. My essentially identical experience signalled the start for me of nearly nightly involuntary projections and consider that one an astral experience in its own right and the start of everything(A Sunday in April '04, that's how important I consider it), so it's not question of how close are you, more of practising to escape the influence of the physical once out, or becoming aware when already outside it, both would achieve a better 'quality' of projection.

Posted about 8 years ago

Mm, How awesome it would be to involuntarily project. I consider you very lucky and gifted, indeed. Thank you for your encouraging words! They gave me confidence that I am on the right track. I wish to project my consciousness into the astral for spiritual and exploratory reasons and your reply to my comment really gives me hope that I will achieve my goals.

Posted about 8 years ago


You're welcome and thank you for your kind words, though I'd be lying if I didn't consider the days in and out of projection a nuisance(I know I sound like the most unenlightened man on earth when talking about it), its led to permanent sleep problems etc, I'd never want to stop projecting of course but I'd like some control over it and comparing yours and others' experiences with my own is helping me, so thank you for that. But yes rest assured you are on the right track, please let me know how you progress and if you've only been trying for a month already with such success I can't wait to hear how you get on.

Posted about 8 years ago

Antony, ----

Wow, Kimberly, I am glad to see someone who experienced the same which I did a few years ago. I know I am very late to reply to this post. But, I need to reply to this.

I had a very similar experience when I experienced astral projection in my initial days of practice. I saw my room's ceiling very close, It was just a foot above me and I was very scared at that time.

The heart pounding moment which you explained is perfectly normal. A very common thing which happens in the initial days. All you need to do is calm yourself and believe that nothing bad is going to happen.

Hoping to read more of your experiences.

Posted about 8 years ago

Thank you!!! I am so excited to embark on this Spiritual journey, and am so thankful to ppl like you who make me understand that I am at least doing something right while I fumble along lol. I do have a question, if you don't mind. In your experiences, have you been able to see/interact with transitioned loved ones? I lost my mother a couple of years ago, and would love to be able to make contact with her. Thanks again for your reply.

Posted about 8 years ago

Antony, ----

I tried to contact one of my friend who met with an accident and transitioned. But, didn't happen. Will surely let you know if I try again. But, as far as I know. It is possible to meet them when you astral project. Which requires time and patience.

Let me know if you have more questions.

Posted about 8 years ago

Nevo, neutral-religion

a qustion can u tell me how to?

Posted about 8 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi Nevo, You have to keep an affirmation that you are going to meet and when you are on the astral plane, basically you have to call for them to summon in front of you. Depending on their wish, they will summon in front of you or else they won't, if they feel they don't want to meet you.

Posted about 8 years ago

Nevo, neutral-religion

ha interesting i dont have anyone to try it with but its interesting if u can do it do me a favor and check if u can and ur friend remember the same thing ask on specific detail

Posted about 8 years ago

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