Here is what happened.
About 5 minutes before 8am I had what could be a successful astral projection, I had woken up about an hour or two before and laid there in my bed as still as possible on my back, eventually I had a dream where I was playing about in the living room, acting out my imagination, and then suddenly I noticed that one of my teeth had fallen out, I saw it lying on the floor and I rushed to a mirror, I saw in it that my teeth were very crooked and wobbly, I then suddenly notice that more of them were falling out, I was pulling some out because they were so easily capable of being pulled out, till nearly all my teeth fell out and they were lying on the floor, I could not talk properly, there was blood coming out of my gums, and then I woke up terrified because I thought it actually happened, then noticing it was just a dream I was lying on my back very still probably paralyzed, and then came the vibrations and the feeling of me separating from my body, this time I could see more through my other body, but not much, the picture was still unclear, I then noticed more of myself leaving my body till eventually I think my whole body managed to separate, but was still in the process of leaving, I was floating around the room in my other body in the same position as I was lying on my bed, while trying to separate I was imagining myself self being on a plane that was taking off on a runway, because when the vibrations and the separation began to build up, it reminded me when I was on a plane taking of, and eventually when the plane was taking off into the air, that was when my body was separating, and when the plane was in the air, I had separated, but I was only just separated, I had little control and struggled to remain out of my body, I was out for probably only 10 seconds or less, my awareness was just the same as it was in my physical body.
However the difference between this time and the experience I had in September last year is what confuses me. This time I felt as if I was going through objects, or at least capable of going through objects, and of course I was floating, in September last year my astral body had woken up in another version of my room but was still physical being incapable of going through objects and I was not floating, it felt that I floated up out from my physical body in my room here and floated up into another room and into another physical body of myself higher above taking control of it, it still confuses me, but yes this experience did feel different to the last one.