Need help please- serious

Posted over 2 years ago , by Angela Nantakul

Hi, I am in need of someone’s help who is experienced in this. I have sought help from different gifted people and no one can help on a permanent basis. I have been able to travel for most of my life however I just discovered and was told that that’s what I was doing in my sleep. For the past 2 years when I travel, I am being taunted and dragged by my feet. Not every single time, however it has become almost about 75% of the time. I am always alone but last night I had another one but my son was there, who I also believe is gifted. He is three. Once he showed up this thing let go of me and went after him. I just need to speak to someone who can help because I have no idea how to control this, and how to find out why my son was there. Angela Nantakul.

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Crystals , Interested

Hey I just got on here your post was the first thing i saw. Did you ever figure out what was going on?

Posted over 2 years ago

Kraezon, Kraezon

Im not super experienced, but I have interacted with ghosts and once I had a dark entity try to feed off me. I believe in my understanding that dark entities tend to reside in the same spaces but on different planes of existence, they feed on your light, if you are aware when they are doing it, it literally feels like they are sucking the life out of you. In my case I fought one, literally grabbed its arms fought it to the ground and restrained it. now a punching contest with a non physical entity isnt going to go anywhere, but you have to show them no fear. In fighting it I believe I did that. I still woke myself up though because its a harrowing experience. Perhapse you and your son should find a way to strengthen your hearts, show no fear and as I tell my daughter, if they come, tell them that they are not welcome and they must leave! As horrible as this must feel one thing if you dont mind me suggesting so is that this might be a challenge to learn how to be strong and confident enough to tell these things to get lost. They arent good or evil i dont think, they just want to eat unfortunately that puts us on the menu, showing them we are a no go takes us off the menu... the one that tried with me has never tried again. I hope this helps in some way and as a parent I totally get your concern for your child too you need to be strong for them and show them not to be afraid either. there has been at least one entity that has approached my daughter and tried to frighten her but since she told it to go away it hasnt bothered her.

Posted over 1 year ago

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