It scared me

Posted over 7 years ago , by L W

As a teen Id be asleep and out of nowhere Id hear this loud washing machine sound, it would really scare, and then uncontrollably Id start floating above my body.. I could see everything in my room, it was kinda grainy looking and then, Id take off like crazy through the house and through the walls and then I was flying through trees so fast I couldn't wait for it to end..This went on night and after night and then I told a friend about it a few years later and he said to me.."You know what that is dont you?" I said "No what it is?" he answered, "That is called Astral Projection" I was so excited that there was a name for my nightmare, that I couldn't wait to research it. So with this in mind, I went to the library and found out that what I had was a gift and if controlled, I could train myself to go anywhere I wanted! really? the next few nights I did try to control where I traveled, and I ended up streaking through a tunnel and when I got to the end of the tunnel, there was a bright white room with, I assumed Doctors.."The Doctors" knew I was there and told me that the earth is being watched with large mirrors? huh? (I thought) and they showed me places they watch that were personal to me, like my house, and even my living room! I felt so much fear that I was quickly whisked back into my body. I was so frightened that somehow I stopped projecting for about 15 years..Then, years later I did it about 6 more times, meeting a very sad poor black woman and her small child, asking me to come back to save them from slavery. What? I still see her face to this day and I hope I did save them..It was very scaring for me and not much fun at all, but now that Im older I have been thinking about trying it again, maybe I wouldn't be so afraid now, and what could I learn? ..Thanks Linda

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Good having you here Linda, you're more than welcome! I find your story very interesting and puzzling. I think you should definitely try it again, after all astral projection isn't all about scary experiences you can have lots of fun, and learn A LOT about a lot of different things. There's so much you can discover that you wouldn't even know where to begin with!

Any more questions and I'll be here to try to help you blush

Posted over 7 years ago

Thank you so much for replying.. I do feel like it would be unlimited of travel, but for some reason I feel I'm trying to travel into another dimension or another time and that's what scares me, when I'm traveling around the house or around the city yes I'm afraid, but not as afraid as I was when I went down that white tunnel and ended up in a very odd place with Drs..I did feel like I was in a different world.. Linda

Posted over 7 years ago

Even among experienced astral travellers, mediums and spiritually enlightened people, there's things that go beyond comprehension, like your case with these doctors, I have no clue of what that could've been.

Maybe your spirit guides could answer that for you. Don't be afraid dear. Fear is only on our mind. If you need help in getting rid of fear, then I'm here.

Posted over 7 years ago

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