Is my friend crazy?

Posted almost 13 years ago , by Dark Forest Sings

Hi everyone!

I have a question about a story my friend told me, please take it seriously as I'm concerned for her. She told me that she used to live in a different reality. She said she started astrally projecting and building a new reality because she was told she could while traveling. She said after about a year, her new reality was complete and she entered it, never returning to her old one. When I asked her why she didn't return, she said it was her reality and it no longer existed.

This is strange to me. I believe in astral projection, but this is something I've only seen in movies. Though she did show me a passage of a book she was reading where it said it was possible.

So yea, I'm really concerned. Is she losing it? Or is this stuff real? She is really happy, I admit that, never been sick, etc.

Thanks for any replies!


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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

I think anything is possible in Astral Plane. But I haven't heard this "Building a new reality", Maybe she had built her own Astral World according to her needs. Its Good :)

Posted almost 13 years ago

christopher, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

No your friend is not at all crazy. We can build, I have heard somewhere like this.

Posted almost 13 years ago

calamity, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I would not be so quick to dismiss this as sane. Though that remains to be seen. It is a very serious matter, as if she is not completely sane, often these things can progress into a worse pyscosis. Ive worked with many mentally ill and know if she is not sane this could get worse.
Now, i know people can build their own world in the astral, but i do not believe (correct me if im wrong people) that people can stay in these realms. You always have to return to your body. So when you say, she says she did not return, and that she is still there, that could be cause for alarm.
She may be speaking of this reality, but her perception of it, it don't know, that is something you will have to determine. I would ask her about her reality. Ask her what she sees. What is her astral plane like. What is the color of the sky? trees? who is there? how is she speaking to you if she is not here, but there? and things like that.
she may in fact be completely sane and just speaking of "reality" as in everyone is in their own reailty. But if your good friends, then i wouldn't dismiss it.
Although, if she is not completely sane, there is not much you can do unless she is a danger to herself. Unless she herself goes to seek treatment, but that would require her to acknowledge that her reality may not be real.

good luck

Posted almost 13 years ago

Darklon, I'm here for astral projection

I agree with Calamity. If she is projecting then eventually she should have to return to her physical body, unless she is a being not of this world?  :o

Posted almost 13 years ago

jerri, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Wow, I have researched this for over a year and never came across this.... I wonder if she is not wording it right... we all face our fears when there... it can be as real as here or more real and free... I wonder if she learned there and applied it to waking life... in other words created a new reality but yet wouldn't have done it without astral travel......  If this is not the case then Calamity has said everything ... depending on what questions you ask you will not know where she stands sanity wise... Good luck , you are such a good friend to be concerned for her..  :)

Posted over 12 years ago

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