Hello everyone, I have a question+ my personal experiences.

Posted about 8 years ago , by Man Raul

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum and am happy to have found it... English is not my first language so please bare with me... I want to start by teling you my experience so far, I first learned about astral projection last yeasr and I tried to achive astral projection with meditation (I never even reached the vibrations)so I decided to try doing it in the midle of the night because I oftenly wake up to use the bathroom, so I did and I have 2 experiences but I am not realy sure it's astral projection since it was in a dream-like state and it's all foogy and unclear ( like a dream ).

My first experience was 2 weeks ago. I remember waking up but I didn't open my eyes or move, I just sat there and tryed to astral project. I reached the vibrations, it felt like my body was numb and tingly. Take note that this is the first time I reach the vibration stage. I try diferent ways to get out of my body but nothing seems to work, exept for rollind side-ways ( I sleep on my back) I succesfully rolled out of my body but when I try to open my eyes I am back into my body. I repeated this once more with the same result and after that I'ved fallen asleep and had a false awakening dream. The next day all this seemed like a dream, it was all blurry and clowdy. It was like I dreamed of trying to astral project.

My second experience was last night. I woke up at 2 in the night because I'ved fallen asleep verry early( at 7 or 8). After one hour of Listening to some creepypastas I was on my side ( I usualy sleep on my back) I enter sleep paralysiss and I think to myself "I should try astral projection" ( I'm a little bit more aware and focused than the last time I was in this aituation) So I concentrate and enter the vibration stage (all my body is numb and tingly especialy my tongue) and try to roll side ways out of my body with little success , never succedeng complete separation(at least my "astral eyes" opened from time to time, not like last time)... I repeatetly lose my concentration and slip out of the vibrations and back into the sleep paralysiss... eventualy I fall asleep and lose conciousness. This time I remembered it beter ( not as clowdy and dream-like like the first time) but still verry foggy.

What do you think? Was it real or just dreams of me trying to astral project? Does the Vibration stage suposed to be this dream-like/clowdy? I expected it to be more clear and focused... and for my personal quriosity and expectetions, when you guys succed astral projection is it clear or dream-like, like a Lucid dream level of clarity or better?

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Hi I'm pretty new and astral project often and without any say in doing so. I can answer some of your questions so easily based on my experiences that I had to comment. I've projected across right the spectrum of 'clarity' as you put it, from being aware enough to experiment on the astral plane, watching a television in a different room out of my body stands out, trying to remember what I saw for when 'I got back' and cross check it. To right on the other side of clarity, being pinned to the floor out of my body trying to crawl across the kitchen. In both examples I knew I was out of my body and I knew what was happening, though my ability to function differed vastly. A step down again from these states would be where I can't walk for example, can't understand why I can't walk and haven't realised I'm out of my body. As I mentioned I don't try at all to project and it makes me wonder how helpful I can actually be, but I can say projections for me vary in 'quality' very much. You sound very close to progressing regardless and a lot of your experiences go hand in hand with projection.Some of the factors you described would certainly aid projection, like waking up at 2am and then going back to sleep or relaxing, also I never sleep on my back as it would guarantee a projection for me, though if you normally sleep like this, changing position to your side would be your equivalent. Those factors definitely contributed to your experiences, keep trying and you'll probably find you'll have varying success. Expectation is a strange thing when it comes to astral projection I have a few examples that I'll spare you for now, just keep doing what you're doing, you're pretty close, just focus on the process and not what it'll be like. Hope any of that helps, feel free to message me.

Posted about 8 years ago

Thank you. That was very helpfull. Can you tell me more about your experiences?

Posted about 8 years ago

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You're welcome, I'm glad it helped, there was something I wanted to mention about expectation but I cut it short, it may help. I'd already been projecting for 3 or 4 years at the time maybe, not by choice, I just become aware out of my body most nights, don't think I can even remember a time I was conscious during leaving. Anyway I read quite a bit in the first few years, you know it's sometimes a problem in my life, I wanted to learn what was happening. I read about people flying in the astral plane,something I hadn't done or it hadn't even occured to me over those years (Beacuse I never choose to project, I rarely have a plan of what I'm going to do when I'm there), I read peoples accounts of thinking of flying when they were projecting and then suddenly shooting off like a rocket, uncontrollably fast. So at some point when I was out of my body in my garden it occured to me, I was hanging off my garden fence at the time having fun, that's why the idea came to me, I can do better than this I thought. I stood on the path and willed myself to fly. I was really nervous, don't forget what I had read, I was expecting to shoot off and soar into space, but, slower than anything you can imagine I went up into the air, if you lift something off your desk as slowly as you can that's what it was like, I said out loud at the time as I was in mid air, something like 'this is rubbish, nothing like I read' I find it quite funny looking back. But the point is I had expectations, things I had read and everything you do on the astral plane is controlled by will and by expecting to shoot off, my will completely over compensated and I got the weridly slow opposite.I think preconceptions probably aren't too helpful when astral projecting, because they will sooner or later shape the experience when you're there.

Keep me posted on how you get on

Posted about 8 years ago

Thanks for sharing. If I have any progress, I'l post it here. Btw I remembered something from when I was in highschool. Do you think it's posible to project with your eyes opened while siting. At the time I didnt know what projecting was so I dismised it as a very real halucination. I did kbow it resembled an OBE and I even thinked I was dead and met some kind of higher being like God or something but I dismissed that tought as well after a few days since I am a atheist. So let me explain... When I was younger I tried all kind of drugs and substances... This one time I was inhaling glue from a bag in the forest ( take note that this does not give halucinations as far as I know) ... So i was inhaling and exhaling in the plastic bag and concentrating my sight on it. I soon become very relaxed in a meditative state. My limbs go numb and my vision started to play tricks on me. The plants and everything around me looked like it was made out of tiny bubbles ( like pixels ) and slowly they start to merge untill the bushes and trees loked like a chain of bubbles and finaly all my vision was just one big buble. It poped and I was in whote vid, I tried to look at my hands but I did not have a body anymore. i was screaming questions like "whats happening, where am I, am I dea? Is anyone there... I hear at least two omniprezent voices talking to each other but they took what seemed like hours in betwen theyr sentences. They were sayng things like " what do we do with him?" and "its not his time yet" and after what seemed like a day or two I woke up back in the forest shaking and asking my friends wtf happened? They sayed I passed out for a 5-10 seconds and then i woke up screaming. So what do you think about this? And please dont judge me, I was just a dum teen with a totaly diferent view on the world.

Posted about 8 years ago

After the buble poped i was in a white void. I wrote it wrong...

Posted about 8 years ago

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You're welcome. I'd say hallucinations and projections are not mutually exlusive, any state (from my experience) that weakens the physical body and thus weakens its hold on the astral, increases the likelihood of a projection. Its a notion first proposed I think in a book by Muldoon and Carrington and something I have obsereved first hand, I've had hangovers, missed sleep etc and knew these factors were partly to blame for particularly conscious projections. I have also projected during hallucinatory flus and high fevers and again these were partly to blame. Muldoon and Carrington again, propose the astral body is 'loosened' even by such things as falling down suddenly or spinning around and is an idea I lean towards. So, if you think of your astral body in these terms and that its being held here and many things can loosen your physicals hold over it, you'll see that many experiences can at least in part be related to your astral body, as its already a part of your nature. From the experience of yours, you sound like you're describing 'a loss of self' which is common in hallucinations and is kind of the opposite feeling of a conscious projection, which feels like everything there is 'self'. However, like I said, drugs would weaken the physical and loosen the astral, so anything like that has the potential to trigger astral experiences, though you'd be in no fit state to discern what was astral and what wasn't.

Posted about 8 years ago

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