So, last night, when I first tried to astral project it went as follows. I got into a warm place, I lay down and first focused on my breathing, after I did this, i cleared my mind, and breathed more. after a little while, it felt as if the ceiling was expanding upwards, and after a few more minutes the sides of my room also expanded outwards. It wasn't long until I felt very small in comparison to the space I was in now, except it was in my mind. I then focused on the space right above me in my mind, and it was as if the space kept growing bigger and bigger, and I felt smaller and smaller, and eventually it began pulsing, and I could feel my heart rate increasing, and there was a sense of fear being instilled within me, and when I tried to will my astral self to leave my body, nothing happened, and when I opened my eyes, it was just me in my room. in the same place I was in before. Can someone please help me understand what I did wrong? or if I was even on the right path to begin with? Than you so much
First Night.
It's the first time I come across with such visualization. I reckon this is some kind of meditation? Well, everyone sees different things when relaxed, so I suppose this is normal. Although,I found your description very interesting.
Where did you go wrong, well, from what you've told, I would say it was fear.
If you feel fear while trying to project, you most likely won't get out, and if you do, you might not be safe, as there is the possibility of your fear attracting ill-willed entities.
Try again some other time, and if you still feel scared, come back so we can talk about it
When i was a child, I would sometimes wake up from a dream, or what i thought was a nightmare, and it would feel as if i was extremely small, and there was this ball in front of me that was pulsing. when i would go to my parents room i found it almost impossible to explain to them, and i suppose its the same here, but i remember feeling somewhat scared, but despite the "fear" i was able to continue deeper and deeper, and the longer i went on for, the more the ball would pulse. I did some research, and stumbled upon a man called Robert Monroe, who is apparently one of the founding fathers of the study on astral projection, and in his book he describes "awkward light patterns" which i think is exactly what i am feeling. however, when I tried the second night, i went past the light patterns until my mind was completely dark and still, and i felt as if my arms were numb, however they also felt somewhat shakey? i have read many peoples accounts of astral projection, and all of them say that it was much easier to reach, but I know that difficulty is relative. I try to project every night, but i can never seem to get to this vibration stage. would binaural beats work for me?
Regarding these light patterns mentioned by him, is indeed pretty common to see orbs, rays of light and whatnot. I see it myself sometimes while meditating.
I really relate to you about the "tremble-ish" phenomenon, when the arms are numb, yet you feel as if they're slightly trembling, I presume this could be a form of vibration on its own way, but a weak one. This quite happens to me.
I only use binaural beats to deepen my relaxation, but some people report significant progress, so it's worth trying. It all depends on which methods you're working with.
Keep with your routine for now, if it doesn't show results after a while, try other technique. Don't worry too much about reaching the vibration stage, the intensity varies from one person to another, many people don't even get vibrations at all.