Attempt at astral projection.

Posted over 5 years ago , by Damon

So I lied down, put on headphones with bineral beats. After about I'd say 10 minutes I felt like my body was starting to relax. Then around 20 minutes my body felt heavy. My vision behind my closed eyes for some reason would get darker and on one of my attempts I felt tingling where my third eye would be. Or like a pulsing sensation. I became also more aware of my body and less aware of my surroundings. Being aware of my heart beat and such. Around 30minitues I was able to feel like I was swaying gently in very small movements from side to side but without actually moving physically. Don't know what that was. I also got like lights in my vision moving towards and away from me in circle shapes at the center of my vision. Sadly I have been unable to get to the vibrational stage. Am I on the right track? Any tips? Thoughts?

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Bryce Henson,
3 likes by

Sounds like you are right track. Contrary to what people say, Astral projection is fairly easy. It's all about consistently doing it. I actually just had my first OBE a couple weeks ago. I was getting right to where you are. I couldn't really get past it. My mind would get in the way. So I wanted to try hypnosis and see if it works. I stumbled upon: The art of astral projection It's all about astral projection hypnosis and other astral blocks. Also discusses astral sex and much more. Anyways it helped me Have my first (not accident) OBE. Been implementing all of what he says. Had 3 OBE in about 16 days since I got it. Also had several lucid dreams as well which is cool. Hope I helped!

Posted over 5 years ago

Nikomanis, nikomanis
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WoW! This program seems to be very extensive! I am really considering on buying it. I've always been interested in spirituality and esoterics but I've never actually committed to anything...50$ seems like a reasonable price for such big program as well. Would you recommend it to a complete newbie?

I've been trying to Astral Project basically without any Lucid Dreams experience and all seemed futile. I can get my body to relax pretty easily (almost feeling completely numb) but then that was it. Maybe some small things like feeling of astral body rising, one time a little vibration, other time I thought I heard some noises (even though I have noise cancelling headphones on for this process). All those things seem trivial and my progress non existent. Of course, I just started and I don't want to give any time soon but makes me question my ways of doing it.

Posted over 5 years ago

I actually took the course about a year ago. It was very beginner friendly. I learned a ton from that and really it changed my whole perspective on everything. When you astral project theirs no going back. It was a bit scary at first but once you get into the astral It's fascinating. You meet a lot of cool beings and learn a ton about yourself. I've noticed that this life just becomes easier and flows a lot better for some reason. It's a very beautiful thing. So I highly recommend it. Also it pairs really well with a guy named Ryan cropper. He is great with astral travel. He's on youtube. His stories helped me stay motivated to apply everything I learned. Great stuff!

Posted over 5 years ago

just bought the course. Really good stuff so far. Hit the vibrational stage last night just need to work on my exit the body technique a little bit more. I was hesitant but I bought the course. Man i'm glad I did. Will keep updating my experiences.

Posted over 5 years ago

hiteshkumar, Beginner

I have been praticing it from the last 5 days. And today was the 5th attempt. My experience: 1. A sensation like slowly vibrating. 2 .My body did get a little heavy. 3. Back side of head started paining a little. 4. It felt like my head tilted on the left side but i dont if it was true. 5. I had these visuals and figures and quickly changing shapes while my eyes were closed with a blue color lightning sortof figure. 6. I could feel my body relaxed as i in beginning i could hear my heart beating then i slowly stopped hearing it.

I dont know what it was. It goes on for one hour but felt like 10-15mins.

Any suggestions ??

Posted almost 5 years ago

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