Astral projection as a young child without trying?

Posted over 12 years ago , by Steelbeltsdrumming

My dreams as a young child, especially prior to age 6 or so, were very strange. It seemed like no matter what I dreamed about, I would eventually become aware that I was dreaming before I woke.

It wasn't so much what I dreamed about that was strange, but the process of waking up. When I realized I was dreaming at this young age, I suddenly had the desire to wake up, due to either a strange feeling of "boredom" or my "work here is done" or "I don't belong here in this place now". I couldn't begin to explain it as a young child, even now the whole experience and feeling, the knowledge I had at this realization I remember being and feeling extremely strange.

The weird part, in the process of "wanting" to wake up from these dreams, I would stomp my foot once or twice in the dream (similar to Dorothy clicking her heels together in the land of Oz). At that instant, I would slowly begin floating down through the floor, or whatever I happened to be standing on in the dream, and as I "passed through" whatever surface that happened to be my next realization was floating down slowly toward my bed from the ceiling in my actual bedroom, or even toward my crib (yes, some claim it is impossible, but I do in fact have some vivid memories from about the age of 20 months old on up.)

I never remembered seeing my body laying there as I floated down from the ceiling. It was almost as if I was being gently lowered slowly down from the ceiling, usually on my back but I do a few times remember looking down and around. It usually took maybe five or 6 seconds till I hit the bed, there was no sound in the room till I hit the covers. Not just the still of the night, but a vivid awareness that there was no sound AT ALL. And then when I would touch the bed, as I remember it the covers and blankets would seem to literally cover me back up on their own, leaving me in the same state or "returning me" to the state state I was in prior to the dream. Immediately after this I was fully awake. Even as a toddler I remember this confusing me, this was 30+ years ago and as a young child how would I even describe what was happening? as I seemed to have some knowledge, even being that young, that it was not quite normal.

I remember 2 occasions where after I woke up from this I was quite frightened, As I could hear voices in the room, but only these two times. The one occasion I remember the most was one where I heard voices of what seemed to be several  people in the room, maybe 4 or 5 people, conversing about something I knew to be small talk, silly and meaningless, for maybe 5 to 10 seconds. Then a frightening, loud male voice yelled out of no where "WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?!?!?" and the voices stopped. I wasn't even sure if it was directed at me or not, but it did scare the !@#$ out of me and my brother, who heard it too. we both started crying. It wasn't my dad, that was clear, and their were no other men living in or near our house.

As I type this I remember I lost this ablility to end my dreams (stomping my feet) by the age probably 7 for sure. I remember being "trapped" in a dream, panicked, for what seemed like hours because I couldn't wake up from these dreams the way i used to. It wasn't a nightmare, It was just the frustration and realization of losing the control I once had that had me terrified that night, feeling that I may never wake up from this dream and that the world would go on without me. At that point it was probably the most terrified I remember being my whole life, even if it was a dream...

Eventually I guess I just dreamed "normally" like every one else, and for the most part still do this this day outside of the occasional "lucid Dream." I rarely have nightmares, at least none that I can remember.

I have always thought of trying the "stomping my feet" technique in a dream again, but I can never remember to do it. What do you think would happen if I tried it again? What do you think of the whole "floating down" memories I have?

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Elsa Sereth White, What else is there?

Sounds like you were quite the astral projector as a child! My experiences involve moving through realms via rooftops and ceilings too actually. There are really a lot of layers involved in these transitions, aren't there? Like how you had the realization you're dreaming, and then you move out of it, to your room, which is another kind of in-between realm.

If you were uncomfortable with the knowledge you were dreaming (actually, I can see how this could be uncomfortable for a kid-because no one talks about it in daily life, so it seems like it's not supposed to happen and like the world turned upside down) then I would guess that the "WHAT ARE YOU DOING" was your minds own mechanism for waking yourself up -especially if you were back in your room and can here some people talking. Maybe you really wanted to wake up at that point? Also, people who are very close, like brothers and sisters or significant others, can pick up on the each other's sleep transitions and points of high emotion. Perhaps this is why your brother started to cry too.

Posted almost 5 years ago
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