Deja Vu or astral plane memory?

Posted almost 11 years ago , by Music Soul Fae

Has anyone had a deja vu AND remembered where they had that experience before? Over the last few months, I've been having deja vus, AND remembered I dreamt it the night before or months ago!...Even conversations, or things on TV. When you talk with someone, and remember having had this conversation in the past, but in dreamtime? Like you are "dreaming" your future? Or deja vus are astral experiences being remembered the next day when you re-experience them? Sometimes I'd get clear feedback, of the dream i had had, other times it is a fleeting echo of having dreamt it....In the last year, it occurs alot, and some days, it occurs all day long....

Anyone had these experiences? Like a dream within a dream, but awake :)

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

I had felt a lot things like this :)
sometimes at that time, I do reality checks, to check whether its dream or reality ;D

Posted almost 11 years ago

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