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I plan to share astral/lucid experiences.
Lucid Dreaming

The Astral Journal Experiences

asked about 11 years ago (edited about 11 years ago) | 1391 views
Lucid Dreaming - 5 Replies

5 Lucid dreams , 1 night

TheAstralJournal I plan to share astral/lucid experiences.

This happened to me last night I woke up 3 times in the middle of the night only to fall back asleep and lucid dream in a whole new scenario over and over. It is an amazing feeling when you wake up in the morning and you are stunned by the events that have just unfolded in your mind.  I wanted to go back to sleep again but I realized it was 1pm and I wasn't going to be able to fall asleep. Nice experience!!!

Astral Projection - 2 Replies

How to get to sleep paralysis

TheAstralJournal I plan to share astral/lucid experiences.
Sleep paralysis isn't exactly something you can bring on easy. Being a lucky person (if you see it as lucky) I am forced into sleep paralysis naturally at least once a week. Sleep paralysis is caused by remembering and or acknowledging you are laying in your bed trying to sleep without moving a single muscle. Your mind starts to think you are sleeping do to the lack of movement and begins to pretty much shut off muscle movement or "take control" of movement. You then realize you can't move but you can think just fine. You get a feeling of floating and you begin to hear noises (auditory hallucinations) and if you open your eyes you can have visual hallucinations. Some say you are not actually opening your eyes physically during sleep paralysis but your subconscious is bringing up the image of your room that your brain remembers. This often brings anxiety do to the "out of place" feeling you get. Here is a tip. If you are ever forced into sleep paralysis and you get so paranoid you wan

Astral Projection - 4 Replies

astral and weed

TheAstralJournal I plan to share astral/lucid experiences.

Well here is the problem with marijuana and dreams. Everyone is affected by the weed differently and different types of marijuana cause different affects. I have personally had some good lucid experiences while going to sleep really high. It depends on the person and the strain of weed. Sooner or later someone will come along and run tests to see just how it affects your dreams. I have also astral projected while high and it was amazing. There are so many variables that can affect the dream state that it really can't be stated as a fact that marijuana helps lucid dreaming and or astral projection or makes it harder to do these things.

Astral Projection - 1 Reply

The Astral Journal

TheAstralJournal I plan to share astral/lucid experiences.

Also I would appreciate it if you would reply with some cool, unique or odd experiences you have had lucid dreaming and or astral projecting. I will be posting those stories via screenshot to my page (not all but some depending on how much I get). The screen shot will include your forum name and if you do not want it to include your forum name please put that at the end of your post. Much appreciated to anyone who replies.

Posted about 11 years ago (edited about 11 years ago) | 2014 views

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