Zen Meditation

Posted almost 12 years ago , by Tyler Durden

The zen meditation is characterized by the strict attitude, development of discipline and staring at the white wall. But this is at partly true, there are two different schools in the tradition of Zen the marriage between Tao and Buddhism is called.

One of these two great schools the Sotoschool. This goes out of development of insight that will eventually lead to the rise of object and subject. The method for this is used is inner silence or meditation. De soto practitioners often sit with the face to the wall and symbolize this that the path to enlightenment is a path that you will have only accountable. Watching a white or flat wall has the advantage that your attention will not go astray. The technique in this school use, it is tracking and counting of the respiratory while the attitude is completely silent.

The Rinzaischool approaches the path of enlightenment on a way than the Soto tradition. This school emphasizes study of so-called koans, a question not answer is possible. Some well-known "What is the sound of a hand clapping 'or' If a tree falls in the forest, and there is none to hear him, he makes a sound. "

This method is directed to the eventual failure of the thinking making a profound emptiness and great insight into the essence arises. In this form of meditation, practitioners are often with the faces at each other and walk together of the emphasizes road to enlightenment. Although the koan main characterized Rinzai school exists, however, a large portion of the day of the Rinzai practitioners, just as in the Soto school, sitting and walking meditation and mindfulness exercises. Also, the tea ceremony originated from this particular Zen folks call.

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Howtolucid, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I like the 'If a tree falls in a forest and no-one hears it' analogy.

Posted over 10 years ago
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