I was just reading some posts on the web and came across this quote, I found it very inspiring towards meditation because I often used to find myself having cluttered thoughts. Currently my meditation will consistently end with an increased wholeness feeling. A more vibrant, visual experience that is bursting with life. One of the main issues from past experiences that has really ruined my meditations is having a thought followed by thinking "well crap now that I thought negatively/ broke the peaceful moment of nothingness (no thoughts, just a clean slate) with a thought, my whole session is ruined." When in reality, that was a limit I placed on myself, grabbing the key and locking up my moment in a box if you will.
Overall, for anyone struggling with clearing your mind, focus on your surroundings. Even if there is a child screaming, don't let it agitate you, simply observe that a child is screaming and move on to observing something else. If you are lucky to have something peaceful going on like birds chirping by a flowing stream, just observe and bask in the peacefulness around you. When you just observe without relating your current experience to a past memory or future anticipation, you will enter the realm of the "now" which will in turn, allow you to access a powerful moment of self-alignment with the universe in all of your meditation practices. If you are wondering where I have found the concept of "now" I would recommend checking out "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle. I'm only a couple chapters in but he really simplifies the path to enlightenment in a way that is easy to apply and remember in your daily life. Good luck with clearing your mind my friends! I hope you have a nice "now"
"The only limits you have in life are the limits you place on yourself."
Posted almost 8 years ago
, by Peace Poi Prosper