Meditation Tips

Posted over 13 years ago , by Praveen Kumar S

I'll Tell you some of the simple Tips on how to Meditate & to realize yourself and reach your goals easily.

There are so many people who say that the meditation is just to decrease your blood pressure, keeping your mind calm, controlling your health and lots more. These are some of the very very tiny things you can do by Meditating. There are lots more which you can do by Meditation.

Let me give you some 5 simple Meditation Techniques to find yourself.

1. Keep Attention to your Body and Start Relaxation
  firstly you have to focus your attention to your body. Fell all your body parts like starting with the tip of your toe to your head. Feel every part of your body for at least for 5-10 seconds, Feel it. This technique lets you make Relax all your body parts and to Relax yourself, You can use some other relaxation techniques if you know. If you find any tension in your body, just be aware of those but don't try to control it, Just let it go. Just be aware of tension that of your body parts and start the feeling other parts.

    By this technique you can completely relax your body. Your body gets relaxed completely when you finish feeling from the tip of toe to your head. Just accept the body as it is, don't try to control any parts. Learn to listen to your body, and allow it to tell you what it likes, Just say okay for all your body asks. Whether you Experience pleasant or unpleasant sensation or tensions or anything that happens.

    If thoughts arise just let go of them gently and get into the relaxation process again.

2. Focus Your Breathing

  By the previous effort you have made your body as your friend, Now try to put some effort to make your breathing as your friend. Do not control your breathing, Just Breath naturally, Focus your attention where you feel the sensation of your breath in your body. When You are inhaling, be aware that you are inhaling. When you exhale, be aware that you are exhaling.
  It's natural that thought arise while you focus on the breathing, Don't try to control your thoughts, Just try to gently let go the thoughts, Come back to the present, Just be with what's happening, Focus only on your breathing. What ever you experience - calmness, Feeling peaceful, restless, Just be aware of that state of mind. Focus more on your breathing, If you get success your Breathing becomes a part of your Meditation.

3. Work with Emotions

  The third technique is to experience your tensions, anxieties, fear, sadness and so on. While you are working with emotions try to focus your attention on other things as well, You can hear to the sounds you hear, the sensation in your body, feel the tiny tiny sensation that you feel from your surrounding and from your body. Learn to be aware of things that are happening while you are experiencing an emotion. The emotion will still be there, But focus on you surrounding will makes emotions part of your landscape and it won't affect you so much or it won't grip you so much. So whatever you do, makes friends with that, feel it, don't try to control it. The emotions arise and passes away, you are not the owner of those emotion, it's just a state of mind, do not consider these emotions as My Anger, My tension My fear. they are just Anger, Tension and Fear. They are not yours.

4. Awareness

  Try this in any posture you like to. At this time Allow your thoughts to arise, Thoughts of the past & the future. Observe these thoughts as someone's thoughts, Observe these as it doesn't belongs to you. If you are getting involved with these thoughts, If you are judging the thoughts, just try to know what's happening, Note the difference between being an observer and being involved with those thoughts. Making friends with your thoughts, create some space for your thoughts by allowing any thoughts to arise, and observing how to react to those thoughts. Whatever emotion is arising, don't let those stay in mind, and do not want it to go away, Just be at one with those emotions. Learn to see things as they are, not as they should.

5. Understanding Yourself and Forgiveness

  The last exercise in meditation is understanding yourself. See how far you can soften yourself, Accepting yourself as you are, Without what you should become, making friends with who you are. Then, can you extend that friendship, gentleness and softness even with those who have hurt you & disappointed you. By learning to accept our common human nature. Learn to forgive your own mistakes of your past, not holding guilt. Learn to accept yourself as you are and learn to accept others as they are. Don't have any image of how you and they should be. Learn to be gentle to yourself and to others.

Comments and Suggestions are welcome :)

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Little Star Orion, I'm Here for Inner Awakening
1 like by

It is fun to try to stop this thinking. This inner dialog keeps us from being able to be quiet within. It is really a good feeling if you are able to stop this thinking and find the peace and quietness withing. If the everyday world become to much and too stessed I just focus on the quietness and then for a moment things look different.

best wishes

Posted over 13 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)
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