I don't know what happened to me

Posted about 8 years ago , by Cylver

I don't know whether to call this a meditation experience, a near death experience or a Lucid dream experience! But I decided to meditate before school so I layed in my bed and I relaxed all the joints in my body! (I was doing this while listening to a 435 music I got from YouTube) but then something happened! I don't know what happened but I started spitting and mucus/something came out my mouth and it was almost like I was having a seizer, my eyes were closed so everything was black but I got scared so I went back into reality and for 15 secs I was okay and then it happened again only stronger though as if I was trying to get sucked into something different! And then I managed to get myself back to reality and then it happened again! But not as strong as the second time! I don't understand this can someone explain if this was all in my head or if this was happening to my physical body because I just don't know! I remember using my finger and trying to press onto my thigh and it was as if my body was going numb! What happened to me?

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
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Hello Cylver, I can surely tell you it's not near death experience so we can rule out that. Let's consider mediation and lucid dreaming for the answer.

Based on the experience which you have mentioned I can say that you were in Hynogogic state. A state where you transition from wakeful state to sleep state. It's kind of a drowsy state, where you will feel like you are getting pulled/sucked by something. Your body will feel numb as the brain tries to switch of all your motor sensors when transitioning into sleep state.

Hope this helps, let us know if you need any help.

Posted about 8 years ago

Do some reality checks when that happens again so you can find out whether you are dreaming or everything is real.all the best.

Posted about 8 years ago

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