Body/emotion taking me out of meditative state?

Posted over 8 years ago , by Oren

I was in a five-day meditative state, when it finished i felt like my body or an emotion stands wont allow me to get back to it.. how does one cope with emotions? Thank you.

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It depends on what kind of emotion you're feeling and what could've possibly triggered this emotion.

Now, if you could give us more details to what have happened and how exactly you're feeling, would be nice. So we can try to advise you better.

Posted over 8 years ago

Oren, Never stop to dream

I started losing it when i got a bit stucked on fb and came across the profile of a girl that i love and she loves me, but we can't be together because she has a boyfriend. It was definitelly hate and anger. (Most likely angry at myself) I have no idea where so much anger came from.. Next day i started to feel like between two "worlds" and probably tried to resist the worse one and therefore i lost touch with the better one.. in that moment i felt like body stands between me and the realization of who i am. I was unable to recognize the emotion, maybe it was resistance and not emotion... I am trying to get back into the moment now. I wish it is possible to stay in it forever.. thank you for taking your time to read this and reply.

Posted over 8 years ago

Oren, Never stop to dream

I thank you for your kind words.. however I do agree that i have a fear. But.. it's so deep within.. Even if i am in a good mood. The dog that always likes me and plays with me.. he always growls at me when he is behind the door.. and the dogs of another neighbours they always bark like crazy even if i am two floor bellow their if they sense something.. i dont have a good feeling about this. I have red, they bark for example at nothing because there is an energy that doesnt belong there.. and trust me, whenever i realize when dreaming that i dream, instead of having lucid dream i end up in my bed under attack of sone focking negative energies. And yeah you can tell me that i am just hallucinating but dogs are definitely not. Theres something that ruins my life and i am just asking for help, i try to pray, i ask archangel michael for his help i ask my guides for protection i tried visualisations i tried to ask jesus for cleansing me and the body and soul i try send it to light, smoke my room i feel like no one can hear me and someone is watching me.. today i am going to try sea salt.. please help. Hiw can i get rid of that, how can i fight it, what should i do. Much appreciation.

Posted over 8 years ago

Oren, Never stop to dream

And i forget to mention that its happening to me almost every night, and my body stinks .. since i was a kid i think its with me for a long long time i just wasnt aware of it, and i beg a pardon for my English.

Posted over 8 years ago

No problem, I like to reply and try to be of help whenever I can!

You have to settle this situation, not only because it disrupts with your meditation, but it's not a good thing for your life either. Can't she break up with the lad, since she loves you? I know it's a little more complicated than that, but still it's kind of one of the few (If not only) options I see there.

I understand you somewhat, sometimes I'll randomly get angry for no reason at all. I have some mild mental issues though, so it could be it.

I didn't quite understand what you meant with

between two "worlds" and probably tried to resist the worse one and therefore i lost touch with the better one.

I was scared for a minute there wondering if you were talking about death, or if you're making a metaphor. If it's a metaphor, what I understood it's that you're feeling so bitter and disheartened that you can't help but only thinking of bad things therefore your mind is residing in a grim "world" full of negativity thus losing touch with the bright side of reality.

I'm not sure is that though, I'm not even sure if I understood what you meant, yet I feel it was very deep.

Whichever the case, try to clear off your emotions, sometimes we're holding on too fast and can't let go. If you're confused to what you're feeling,if you can't solve your problems quite yet and your emotions are taking over, dettachment is always a good idea.

It's not like you're going to turn into a robot or anything. You're just going to clear your mind and be more observational. The point it's to not get too involved with people, and when you do, your emotions will be less intense. Strong emotions often get in the away of meditation.

So I'd advise you to try to work out your problems, and if it fails, try to let go. Keep a little distanced from other people, find time for yourself and silence your insides. Be an observer and try to appreciate the beauty of the small things in life. Doing this for a few days would definitely soothe your soul.

All the best!

Posted over 8 years ago

I just read about your situation now. It's not looking good.It's quite dire,actually.

Let's go by parts, first, you've admitted you have fear, but said it's deep within. Now you have to ask yourself : what do I fear?

Analyzing the situation, in my opinion, the answer would be : fear itself.

You seem worried about not fearing,because you know fear will worsen your situation.

Or it could be something else, but to find out, you'll have to think about when all this started, and what could've possibly caused it.Did you have a bad past? Something particularly frightening happened?

You have to find the root of the problem and try to cut it.Or if you can't figure out what it is, the other solution would be to truly be happy.

Good mood it's momentary and superficial, only that won't do it. You have to seek out for happiness, this way, whatever is out there to get you, will be discouraged and weakened. I know, be happy, it's not that much of an easy task.But you could start by connecting to someone, maybe a parent,sibling or a close friend, tell them you're not okay. It would be nice if you could tell the truth, but it depends if they'll believe in you or not.

In this case I suggest for you to just tell them you're feeling bad and would like company. Ask them to spend time with you, do things you like ask for affection. You have no idea how a hug it's underrated.

Sometimes only praying to your guides it's not enough.That's because you're not in the same frequency as them. The more you get scared, more this wicked being gets stronger. And it keeps on feeding of your fear.

So how to chase it away?

Like I said, you have to try your best to genuinely feel happy not only in the surface. It will be a tough journey.

When you get a little better, your frequency will be closer to the one of your guides. If you connect with them through meditation, they'll be able to protect you better. Dedicate more time to meditation with the intention of meeting them.

There's plenty of guided meditations on youtube that work great. The more you try to connect with them, your soul will be slowly cleansed from fear. Just speak with them throughout the day, say anything, just to get out of your chest. You'll probably won't hear them, but they'll always hear you.

Next time the bloody bastard comes to attack you, just take a deep breath, stay calm and start to thinking about good things.Focus only on the good things and don't let it bother you. If you get overrun by fear, it will only make the bastard happy.

You have to trust your guides completely, don't think just because they didn't answer one prayer that they're not going to help you. They're always with you.

I hope you'll have a better night of sleep today. Any time you want to talk, I'll be here.

Posted over 8 years ago

Oren, Never stop to dream

Hey my friend, is it possible that the ghost i encounter during the sleep paralysis is actually me? I mean my astral body, missinterpreted by my mind full of fear and resistance? I found very useful passage called The origin of fear in a book Practising the power of Now written by Eckhart Tolle, super useful. I am going to surrender to it and to the momebt. If i am wrong then it should be afraid of me without physical body:P

With the wish of all good

Oren Neisaewen

Posted over 8 years ago

I'm really sorry for the late response, I've been studying like crazy for my finals these past few days.

Hm, I don't think it's you, well, probably not, at least. But it could be that you were able to leave the body.

Let's say for an example, you were floating few inches above your body, usually if you're scared before you project, once you get out of your body, you'll be 10 times more scared.Even sometimes when people are not afraid to project, once they get out they'll suddenly get frightened, that is because your body really doesn't want you to go anywhere.

So in your case if you got out, it could be your mind messing up with you, otherwise I believe that it might be some entity targeting you, since you said dogs would bark frantically around you. Animals can sense paranormal activity very well, especially dogs and cats, so having a lot of dogs acting weird around you for no reason at all is really eerie.

I Hope you stopped having scary experiences at this point.

Best of luck!

Posted over 8 years ago

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