Techniques and help to Meditate

Human like figures seen when closing eyes

I had that about 2 or 3 times and it began with me as with you with eyes closed but then as I opened I still saw them. there was a portal where I then was so that was what i was told they were coming from. i think too they can sense energy over there so if someone else had been there before them and i had seen, felt that, trying to get into my sleep, dreams at first, not one spirit only but two, different times, then they can move there i gather more easily. i asked for help to close the portal and have not experienced all these people, dressed differently too from their black sillouite looking self.

Posted about 2 years ago | 548 views

Meditation location

Michael Z., Psgplkgj
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I only in the past few months opened my third eye. It could be beneficial for you, if you're seeking answers, to do some research into the Akashic records blush

Posted over 6 years ago | 1608 views

"The only limits you have in life are the limits you place on yourself."

1 Like - 1 Reply

Of course bro.

Posted almost 8 years ago | 1656 views

I don't know what happened to me

Do some reality checks when that happens again so you can find out whether you are dreaming or everything is real.all the best.

Posted about 8 years ago | 2091 views

Body/emotion taking me out of meditative state?

I'm really sorry for the late response, I've been studying like crazy for my finals these past few days.

Hm, I don't think it's you, well, probably not, at least. But it could be that you were able to leave the body.

Let's say for an example, you were floating few inches above your body, usually if you're scared before you project, once you get out of your body, you'll be 10 times more scared.Even sometimes when people are not afraid to project, once they get out they'll suddenly get frightened, that is because your body really doesn't want you to go anywhere.

So in your case if you got out, it could be your mind messing up with you, otherwise I believe that it might be some entity targeting you, since you said dogs would bark frantically around you. Animals can sense paranormal activity very well, especially...(continued)

Posted over 8 years ago | 2443 views

Free Graphic Novel about Astral Projection

Now we're talking! I'm not really into comics but checking out never hurt anyone. So I went to see it, and the moment I read "quantum intelligence" in the author's note, I guess? He had me.

I started reading the novel and I must say, it's very interesting. I hope everyone will also read so we can discuss about it.

Posted over 8 years ago | 1901 views

Vipassana & Zazen Meditation aid in lucid dreaming & projection

Two interesting studies here showing benefits to Vipassana and Zazen meditation, particularly with lucid dreaming and projection in mind. In essence, Vipassana and Zazen meditation are two very similar practices, so the benefits of both are likely to apply to either.


Vipassana meditation enhances REM sleep as well as sleep quality as we age. This REM enhancement in essence increases the nightly window with in which one can become lucid, while also increasing dream recall.

A little while ago, I performed a little breath awareness meditation lying in bed before sleep...this induced what seemed to be a focus 10 state (Monroe Institute reference, described below), and my dream recall that night was the best it has been in a long time, amazing dreams! This has prompted me to make pre sleep...(continued)

Posted about 9 years ago | 2329 views

Awakening the Third Eye (Meditation)

Wondering if anyone here is familiar with the meditation techniques of the Clairvision school? This has recently come to my attention...the founder, Samuel Sagan seems like an interesting guy, a medical doctor, but someone who grew a bit disillusioned with western conventional medicine and wanted to explore consciousness deeper. He has studied with Taoists and practitioners of Kriya and Kundalini yoga, and also had a five year stint of full time meditation to see how far that rabbit hole goes.

I only ask as some people who have experienced this form of meditation claim it allows one to perceive things in a way that sounds very reminiscent of the OBE state.

This is kind of the mission statement of the Clairvision school:

"The approach of the school is resolutely experiential. It is designed for people who cannot be...(continued)

Posted about 9 years ago | 2678 views

7 Techniques For Balancing And Recharging Your Chakras

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
1 Like - 2 Replies

Hi Antony, Thanks for listing out the names of chakras.

Posted over 9 years ago | 2430 views


Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state
3 Likes - 4 Replies

Meditation is the only answer to all the questions of man. It may be frustration, it may be depression, it may be sadness, it may be meaninglessness, it may be anguish; the problems may be many, but the answer is one - meditation.

The simplest method of meditation is just a way of witnessing. There are one hundred and twelve methods of meditation, but witnessing is an essential part of all one hundred and twelve methods.

So as far as I am concerned, witnessing is the only method. Those one hundred and twelve are different applications of witnessing.

The essential core, the spirit of meditation is to learn how to witness. You are seeing a tree: You are there, the tree is there, but can't you find one thing more? - that you are seeing the tree, that there is a witness in you which is seeing you seeing the tree.

The world is not...(continued)

Posted over 12 years ago (updated over 9 years ago) | 3598 views

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