Lucid dreamer

Posted about 9 years ago , by Ahmed Ehab

I am here to help you lucid dream based on my experience of it. I never read any topics and i probably never going to about lucid dreaming and how to do it so, if my way sounds strange then you will know why and it's because i self taught myself how to lucid dream. It's not easy ( at first) it takes time like astral projection but, bot as much time and it's pretty much easier. Based on reading a lot about astral projection, lucid dreaming isn't as good because you can't see details and the sex isn't as good but, i am not here to tell if it's good or bad i am here to show you my technique. First thing is first: you will not get it on the first try it won't be that easy and like astral projection the ideal time is in a sleep paralysis or if you wake up slightly in the middle of the night without the paralysis of course. When you are in the paralysis state you want to focus on who you are ( your identity) you want to shout your name out and say that is who i am in your mind ( not literally shout of course because you still want to keep focus. When you dream it's like you are drugged or drunk not if you know who you are and what you are that would be like your cup of coffee keeping you sober in the dream keeping you in control of it, you are going to have to constantly remind your self who you are and remember things from the real / physical world like your family or your favorite thing. Or instead of all that, if your capable enough or you had enough practice with the last step you can just sleep and in your dream just try to figure out who you are and constantly remind yourself ( it's the same thing but, you don't need the sleep paralysis for it). After you know who you are then you will know that you are not in the physical world and in the dream world and that you have the power to control it so, from this point on you can start to control it start small or you might wake up and have a positive attitude and no natter what DO NOT THINK about waking up because you will wake up if you just have that thought. Don't go too crazy and have fun ( jk go crazy all you want)

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