Constant wild technique failure.

Posted over 11 years ago , by Liberator


I've been practicing meditation for a while and i'm progressing into my Lucid Dreaming abilities. So far I've experienced few lucid dreams by MILD techniques and I'm improving quality of my consciousness when I'm in there.

However, I'm having big troubles with preforming any kind of WILD technique. I lie down, relax completely and try to use one of Yogist technique (which worked best so far) - i'm concentrating on redish-orange flame in my throat, which burns inside white pink-doted lotus flower.

Dream Lotus Background The third visualization technique comes from Tarthang Tulku, a Tibetan teacher living and working in the United States. He first introduced me to Tibetan dream yoga in 1970, as recounted in Chapter 3. This method is similar to the preceding two techniques in that it employs a throat visualization, in this case a flame within a lotus blossom. The similarity is no accident; Padmasambhava, the eighthcentury teacher who first brought the dream yoga techniques to Tibet, also founded the Nyingma order which Tarthang Tulku currently heads. The flame, Tulku explains, represents awareness: the same awareness with which we experience both our waking life and dreams.19 It therefore represents the potential for a continuity of awareness between wakefulness and sleep, the preservation of consciousness through sleep onset that we are trying to achieve. In Buddhist iconography, the lotus represents the process of spiritual unfoldment. The lotus grows out of the darkness of the mud and above the surface of the swampy water, where it transcends earth and water, unfolding its many-petaled blossom to receive the pure light. Those who attain to spiritual understanding also grow out of the world and beyond it: their roots are in the dark depths of the material world, but their “heads” (understandings) are raised into the fullness of light.20 As you practice the following exercise, bear in mind the symbolic meaning of the visualization. Dream Lotus and Flame Technique 1. Relax completely While lying in bed, gently close your eyes and relax your head, neck, back, arms, and legs. Completely let go of all muscular and mental tension, and breathe slowly and restfully. Enjoy the feeling of relaxation and let go of your thoughts, worries, and concerns. If you have just awakened from sleep, you are probably sufficiently relaxed. Otherwise, you may use either the progressive relaxation exercise (page 33) or the 61- point relaxation exercise (page 34). 2. Visualize the flame in the lotus As soon as you feel fully relaxed, visualize in your throat (Point 2 in the 61-point relaxation exercise) a beautiful lotus flower with soft, light-pink petals curling slightly inward. In the center of the lotus, imagine a flame incandescent with reddish-orange light. See the flame as dearly as possible: it is brighter at the edges than at the center. Gently focus on the top of the flame, and continue to visualize it as long as possible. 3. Observe your imagery Observe how the image of the flame in the lotus interacts with other images that arise in your mind. Do not try to think about, interpret, or concern yourself with any of these images, but, under all circumstances, continue to maintain your visualization. 4. Blend with the image, and with the dream Contemplate the flame in the lotus until you feel the image and your awareness of it merge together. When this happens, you are no longer conscious of trying to focus on the image, but simply see it. Gradually, with practice, you will find that you are dreaming. Commentary Unless you are lucky enough to have naturally vivid imagery, you may find the preceding visualization difficult achieve with any clarity and detail. If you do find it difficult, you should practice two supplementary exercises (see appendix) before attempting to master this technique. The first, the candle concentration exercise, involves concentrating on an actual candle flame. It will strengthen your ability to concentrate and provide a vivid sensory memory of a flame as a basis for the visualization. The second, visualization training, will help cultivate your ability to produce vivid and detailed imagery. After you have mastered these two exercises, the dream lotus and flame technique should be easier for you. (Adapted from Tulku.21)

I get to the state where i'm seeing pretty clearly and can control my vision, however i miss sounds, smells and other kind of influation. I've been trying to contact my spirit guide in that kind of state by i didn't recived any answer. I fail badly on this one. On the otherside with my practice I'm improving my mental abbility to hear voices and some kind of unknown energy. Please, if anyone experienced simmilar problem - getting out of body, while paralized and ready to go - give me a hint.

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