Why can't I project?

Posted over 8 years ago , by Yolke

I've been trying to project for a while now, I even stopped eating meat as an experiment to see how it goes,it's been 2 months since I last ate meat.

But it doens't seem to have much effect. Actually, nothing changed at all. I can't project, what am I doing wrong?

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Diet seems not to affect me .I eat healthy not because i astral project but because i just wanna be healthy. If i were you i would go back to meat unless you know what you are doing with your protein intake. I know that probably made no sense :3 I am just trying to say that as long as you are not having kfc for launch every day you'll be alright.

Astral projections takes a lot of time to do.I had my first astral projection unwillingly. After that i did some research and it took me about two years to get out again ;-;

What i have come to understand is that sleep paralysis is the key to coming close to astral projecting. I get sleep paralysis every time i lay down for a nap or to sleep , but i dont astral project every time. What i am trying to say is that learning how to get sleep paralysis is the most important part and separating the hardest.

There are a lot of ways to get sleep paralysis but first you need to understand what it is. I am sure that you know what it is. Its basically either waking up and your body still being asleep or your body falling asleep while you are awake. The first case is the easier. Next time you lay down keep repeating to your self what your goal is until you fall asleep.For example " i wanna induce sleep paralysis " or " i wanna fall into sleep paralysis " you get it blush

It could be a lot of things that prevent you from astral projecting. When you are tired you need to lay down in a not comfortable way and when you feel awake you need to get comfortable.

You didnt really give us a lot of info as to how far you have gotten :)So i dont really know how to advice you ._.

I really hope this helps <3

Posted over 8 years ago


I think the reason he/she stopped eating meat has to do with spirituality, not health. Vegans and vegetarians do have higher vibrations, making astral projection easier.

Of course eating meat won't keep you from projecting,tons of people eat it and still manage to project,but not eating would be preferable.

It's kind of a shortcut. So it should have some effect, but as Jon said, you didn't give us a lot of info so I can't tell what's going wrong.

Posted over 8 years ago


I think the reason he/she stopped eating meat has to do with spirituality, not health. Vegans and vegetarians do have higher vibrations, making astral projection easier.

Of course eating meat won't keep you from projecting,tons of people eat it and still manage to project,but not eating would be preferable.

It's kind of a shortcut. So it should have some effect, but as Jon said, you didn't give us a lot of info so I can't tell what's going wrong.

Posted over 8 years ago


I think the reason he/she stopped eating meat has to do with spirituality, not health. Vegans and vegetarians do have higher vibrations, making astral projection easier.

Of course eating meat won't keep you from projecting,tons of people eat it and still manage to project,but not eating would be preferable.

It's kind of a shortcut. So it should have some effect, but as Jon said, you didn't give us a lot of info so I can't tell what's going wrong.

Posted over 8 years ago

I know that not eating meat can raise your vibrational level. I was just saying that in my experience being vegan or vegetarian didnt help me get more obes , it just helped me to get on higher spiritual dimension and avoid entities.To do those however doesn't require you to stop eating meat . There are other ways to go about raising your vibration lvl . I hope i didnt come off as rude <3 i mostly agree with you blush

Posted over 8 years ago

Oh and i wanted to say that health (both mental and physical) and vibrational level could be called the same thing if you really simplify it ._.

Posted over 8 years ago


This crappy bug! Oh,you weren't rude at all, I hope I didn't come off rude either. I know, I agree with you about having other ways to raise vibration.

Personally,I wouldn't want to stop eating meat for astral projection's sake, though eating meat is wrong. Well, for now I'll stick to my carnivorous diet until I find some strong will to stop.

Posted over 8 years ago

Yolke , Dreaming

To Jon's answer :

I've known about astral projection for a long time now, but only started to "practice" in July of last year.What frustrates me is that some people don't even make that much effort and can achieve it within months.

I was trying through methods other than sleep paralysis, because no matter what I just can't seem to achieve it. I'll give a shot to what you said about repeating that "I want to fall in sleep paralysis" to see how it goes.

# Now some info on my experiences since I didn't specified anything:

I usually try to relax deeply and just clear my mind and wait for the vibrations, but I don't really feel them, I don't know why. Just feel as my body is sort of spinning and I feel tingling.

I just wait for the vibrations to come but.. nothing. I tried different methods but none of them is working for me. After getting tired of waiting for vibrations, most of the time I fall asleep and have some weird dreams, as if I would have gotten out of my body, but I'm pretty sure it's out of frustration.

Just wonder if someone has kind of a golden tip to me, something that will lead to astral projection without fail, even if it takes a while.

Much thanks you guys, I'll be waiting for your reply.

Posted over 8 years ago

As you said there are many ways to go about it and there is no wrong technique . Waiting for the vibrations to come thought never worked for me and it requires a lot of consecration and mind cleanse.

The trick for me is waking up and noticing that you were asleep , even if you were asleep for four seconds.My "repeating" technique ( not really mine ) actually trains your mind to notice your body falling asleep and/or wake up while alert.I am sure i didnt explain that right but i hope you understood blush

Before you go to sleep just keep repeating it . I have been doing that since august and sleep paralysis hits me every time i lay down . In the night you will find your self waking up 8-9 times , nothing special just being conscious for some seconds before you fall right back to sleep. Unless you focus on staying awake and conscious that is .

Last week i noticed that in that state thinking of an energy going through your body form top to bottom can induce sleep paralysis way faster just like your soul/spirit/energybody shaking ( like the flashes hand xd )

I know i suck at descibing and i hope you got my point and that it works.I am exited for you because it worked for me almost immediately . <3

Posted over 8 years ago

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