Okay it seems the more I have these experiences with the vibrations and then leaving my body to some extent, the closer I am getting to where I want to be, it pretty much is my training, but when it happens one day, and I try to get in the same state and position the next day I cannot trigger the vibrations for some reason, I don't try to force it or anything, I am just as relaxed the second day as I am the first day, do you get like energy that enables you to do it drained out from you the day before or something? Because that is how I feel sometimes, because I am pretty much doing the same things that got me into the state that triggered the vibrations on the day before but fails the day after, I am still stuck on only being able to get into this state to trigger the vibrations twice a week, is it possible to make it 4 or 5 times a week?
Well, your astral energy might have been drained. The longer you project, the more astral energy you use.
Another thing is that you might've returned to your body forcefully like someone shaking you or you getting a jumpscare, that can drain a lot of astral energy.
Posted about 10 years ago
Hmm well if that's the case then how do you gain more astral energy to continue projecting cause I have this same problem, which leads me to have to turn to other techniques, when it's just my energy depleted? I haven't been able to project for a while now. If it's sleep that regains this, then its not working.
Posted about 10 years ago