I find myself unable to astral project as I used to, even though it was only a few inches around my bed. What happens to me now is I can willingly relax to the vibrational state several times in a row but I can't separate myself. I am quite sure it's not entirely due to poor escape techniques and I wished your 2 cents on this.
I noticed that the vibrations changed over time from a loud noise to simple tactile sensations very similar to what low blood pressure could cause. On top of that in the attempt to escape I open my eyes during the process and visualize my surroundings out of focus as the eyes are sleepy and are not cooperating together (this is also quite uncomfortable). I remember that escape was simple for me as it happened almost unwillingly: most of the time I just felt an opposite force to gravity pulling me upwards and i recognized being able to see my surroundings without having my eyelids involved in the process.
At the moment I can bask in the vibrational state for several minutes and I feel like I am doing backflips and twists all over the place without being able to visualize, only black. It's not a bad feeling, it's just not what projection is supposed to be.