To much imgaination

Posted almost 7 years ago , by Jamie

I have been trying to astral project for a while but I don't know how to tell if I am because I have a really persistent imagination. When I'm trying to project I can't tell if I'm actually doing it or if I'm just imagining it. Is there anything I can do to tell or stop my imagination?

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Echo, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

I used to have this problem. I’m cautious of saying this, because it’s extreme, but it’s honestly what I used to do... I would jump off my roof when I projected. Out the window, then jump off the roof. It was the only way I could fully realize that I was projecting (because I didn’t break my legs on impact)...

There are others signs that you’re actually asleep even though you feel like you are awake and in a well known environment.. I don’t know, my roof wasn’t that high so I felt comfortable doing it. Don’t do this if you are in a high rise or something. But along that same school of thought, there are lots of things you can do to test your “reality”...jump up and down and see if you feel different, try walking through a wall, look at a clock, look in a mirror (but that can be creepy), exit through your front door and run around outside ?

Posted about 6 years ago
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