Ordo Aurum Solis projection technique

Posted over 12 years ago , by Almos

The technique is a simplification of the method that can be found in the literature of the magical order Ordo Aurum Solis.

  1. Build the astrosome (the astral body)
    Ordo Aurum Solis uses a technique called Clavis Rei Primae to build the astrosome for the purposes of magic and/or astral projection. It's simplified version uses merely visualization of a stream of etheric energy passing through the five major "centers of activity", located as follows:

  2. Cornua Lunae - the genitals, half inside, half outside

  3. Institia Splendens - the feet, half above the ground, half below.
    The etheric energy is then visualized being dragged from the feet center to the top of the head and splitting into two separate streams that encircle the body on the left and the right and enter it back at the feet. The circulation is repeated five times.

  4. The actual projection consists of visualizing a cord extending from one's solar plexus, and the etheric energy leaving through the cord to form the copy of one's physical body. The consciousness is then focused either in the base of the throat, or in the brow, and projected forth into the etheric twin one has created.

My actual experience: after performing the "five centers" exercise for some time I woke up early in the morning, formed the "twin", and focused all my attention at the base of the throat and projected it towards the "twin". To my suprise, I succeeded in projecting my awareness, and was soon in my subtle body, looking at the room I was sleeping in. The astrosome was still weak, so I could see only as if through a blur, but could discern, for instance, the colors of the candles I bought for the purpose of practicing ceremonial magic. The projection ended quickly, but then I realized I got my hand on a fine and perfectly working technique.

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi Almost,
A warm welcome to the forum :)
Your techniques is really cool, I will try this once and will post the results soon :-)

Thanks a lot :-)

Happy travels..


Posted over 12 years ago

its a nice technique , but i dont like it at all (( its personal opinion)) because i find it diffcult to do

Posted over 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi Alex,

I was trying to perform this technique, But its really difficult to visualize as you have described. I think I need some more experience to perform this :)

Posted over 12 years ago

almos, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

The Aurum Solis method of training actually is more complex, and in their book on the subject Dennings and Phillips recommend taking "baby steps" - rhythmic breathing, then the "five centers" exercise, then the 'simulacra' formula (the one where you form a twin, but don't yet enter it), then the 'watcher' formula (where you project the twin and send it off to gather impressions from a distant place, but don't send your self-consciousness to the twin), and then the full-blown projection where you fill the astrosome with the etheric energy, project the energy into the twin, and then project your self-consciousness into the twin.

I skipped the "baby steps" and proceeded - after doing the "five centers" exercise for some time - with projecting the consciousness into the "twin" I formed. I did it in the early morning, which is the most favorable time for projection, and, to my surprise, the technique worked. The only problem was that the astrosome was still too weak, and the projection lasted for a short time.

The rule of a thumb, in my experience, is that the perequisite of having a succesful projection is a strong astrosome (or, as it is commonly called, "astral body"). When this requirement is not met, the experience might still happen, but the journey will be short, uneventful and dimly remembered. And no matter how weak the astrosome is at the moment, it can be strenghtened by appropriate practices (such as this: http://www.wisdomsdoor.com/wb/hwb-mpe.shtml).

Posted over 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Thanks for explaining in detail, I think I need to try this one :)

*source material for this exercise: "The Golden Dawn by Israel Regardie" and "Modern Magick by Donald Michael Kraig."

Posted over 12 years ago

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