Need help to understand what happened to me, and how to proceed.

Posted over 12 years ago , by Sebastian

Hello, my name is Sebastian, and I am in need of help with astral projection, I am not entirely new to this, September 2011 is when I had probably my first experience with this, well at least one where my awareness was just like here. It began with a dream, I remember seeing a genie in a small Aztec courtyard, he was falling apart and was greatly distorted, his figure was like a damaged hologram. He asked me to help him put himself back together, in this courtyard there was a sealed door to a cave, he told me to go inside, now as i entered this cave I woke up form this dream, but I was lying there in my bed in a state where I could choose to enter the dream again whenever I wanted as long I remained in this state, so I chose to lie there for about five to ten seconds and then i chose to reenter the dream. By the time I was back in the dream, I had already completed whatever task the genie had set me to do as i walked out of the cave to see his figure no longer distorted and buzzing, and in reward for doing this he granted me one question. I asked my question by saying these exact words ''The truth of life.'', and then the dream began to fade, a big white light engulfed everything, and I felt that I was no longer dreaming, but I thought that I had died and was terrified, my awareness was great and in this white light I was floating up, I felt weightless and felt all these vibrations going on in my body, they were incredibly powerful and I remember hearing two voices saying these words ''Your mad, madder than all of us.'', and then the white light faded, suddenly I was able to see through my eyelids, but with a different set of eyes. When I saw through my eyelids I saw my room, I was still lying on my back and on the ceiling above me I saw a black pagan pentagram symbol drawn, painted, or stuck on it, I was focusing on this symbol and all of a sudden I realized I was able to move my body out, however here came the confusing part. My other body if it was my astral body, was stuck, I was unable to float out, I was able move out a short distance, but only my head, torso, and upper and forearms  where able to move out, but my hands and feet, also my legs, were unable to move out, hence I was stuck, it was like my other body was crucified on my physical body, and now here came the very confusing part. Although I felt stuck, I said to myself what would happen if I lift this physical body, as i was in a position to do this with my other body, so I fastened my other body into this physical body and managed to lean up, now I am confused because this did not seem to be my exact room here, nor was this physical body I controlled the same physical body I am obviously in right now typing this to you. I felt somewhere else, and as i leaned up my awareness was great, just like here, I could feel the warmth under my duvet, and feel it rub against my, I felt every sense as I lifted it up, the color and type of the pants I wore to sleep that day was different to the pants I wore in this place, the time seemed different, the curtains were drawn but the light behind them seemed very bright, now I knew this room was also different because I remember when I went to bed a window in another window in my room was left open, here though the window was shut, there was also symbols all over the walls, now as I decided to get out of my bed and open my door to see what the world outside this place was like I got frightened and woke up, in this place I had almost got out of my bed but as I woke up I was suddenly back under the duvet lying on my back paralyzed. I felt that I wasted such an opportunity but when others have described there experiences they speak of things such as floating around and going through walls, so I am confused of what happened to me as it was like being awake as I am now, but somewhere else where everything was sharper, but I did and still do realize that there was a world for me to explore. Since then I have had the vibrations occur nearly twenty times, these where either triggered by lucid dreaming or rapid thought patterns that would eventually spin out of control engaging me into this state, but i failed to leave my body in every one of them except a couple of times when I left for probably no more than two or three seconds during December and January 2011. I also realized that in March there was a state I would wake up in that i could get these vibrations to happen whenever i wanted to if i remained in this state, early March in five minuets I had the vibrations whenever i wanted them to happen and occurred about five or more times during these five minuets, i was in all different positions in my bed such as having my head under my pillow face down and then lying on back with my head above the pillow staring at the ceiling, but I still failed to leave my body, my last experience with the vibrations and the white light was in fairly late July. A few days ago I had started meditating, usually about four to five hours a day, and followed a guided meditation for astral projection, about twenty minuets into each time I follow this audio video I had rapid eyes movements as my eyes were bees buzzing about under eyelids, and my heart rate increased on a few moments and on certain ones my chest was pounding up and down, and others moments i was just shaking powerfully out of control, but I could not feel the vibrations in the same way as I did whenever it was triggered through lucid dreams or rapid out of control thought patterns, for example, there was no white light engulfing me during this meditation, there were also no vibrations felt engulfing me, I could also feel no warmth throughout my body which I had felt when I had the vibration occur through lucid dreaming and rapid out of control thought patterns. I have been wondering why the closest moment of me ever coming closest the have this experience at such great awareness in what others said could be another dimension or something like that, was the first time it happened? Ever since I knew the possibilities to explore and kept on failing, there are spirits perhaps guides I have come close to here that I want to meet greatly, I asked for there help but nothing has happened, I would greatly like some help with some understanding of what happened to me and how to make it happen again and to ensure I do not fail to remain in this place a second time, so far I have started to set my alarm clock to wake my up about four or five in the morning, so I can stay up for a few minuets before going back to bed as i heard this can trigger lucid dreaming, however nothing has happened, I am still unsure of how I entered these certain states to simply try and leave my body whenever I want to, and most of the time these experiences happened, including the one in September, was usually in late morning or after midday, so I would greatly appreciate some help, thank you :)

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi Sebastian,
Welcome to the forum, I read your experience. The experience is too good.
I think there is one way you can get out of body through Movement free exit techniques

This is the place where many fail. When you use some of the physical tricks to get your Astral body out. You fail and you will end your trance. So using the Movement free exit techniques will not disturb your physical body.

Read the below link, you will surely find it helpful:

Pls comment weather it helped you :)

Happy Travels :)

Posted over 12 years ago

Sebastian, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Thanks I shall let you know, in fact I managed to leave my body today but only my arms and my chest seemed to float up, my head seemed to be stuck lol and tends to be the main part that always is, I triggered this state by rapid thought patterns and eventually they spun out of control till I was unable to control them, this so far seems to have worked well, I have not had a lucid dream for ages :(

Posted over 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Thanks I shall let you know, in fact I managed to leave my body today but only my arms and my chest seemed to float up, my head seemed to be stuck lol and tends to be the main part that always is, I triggered this state by rapid thought patterns and eventually they spun out of control till I was unable to control them, this so far seems to have worked well, I have not had a lucid dream for ages :(

Usually many people will try to move all the part except head. Head gets struck for many people because of tension, trying very hard. If you just stay calm for a second and then if you try you can come out easily. I recommend using the Movement free exit method. Which works well for many :)

Posted over 12 years ago

Sebastian, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Thanks for the help :)  I have managed to leave my body, for about 10 seconds or so, I wrote the experience I had on another page in the forum, I moved allot less this time and managed to leave, hopefully with practice I will get further :)

Posted over 12 years ago

monica, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Hi Sabastian,

You have opened the door to Self-Realiztion,. The Key to the door is Astral Projection :)
Congratulations :)

Posted over 12 years ago

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