Letting go, have no fear.

Posted over 11 years ago , by Silver Lycan

The problem so many people have with Astral projection is letting go and the fear of the whole experience. You need to be able let go of everything that attaches you to your psychical for each little thought you have (Oh my heart is beating fast, my breathing doesn't seem right, my back is starting to hurt, is that my cat I hear coughing up a hair ball) can all hold you to your psychical body.
Relaxation is a big key to achiving astral projection (I'm sure you have heard this 100 times) and yes it is true, but you most learn to relax in a way that keeps your mind of off the psychical body. Instead of focusing on the relaxion of your body focus more on letting go. Take all your thought off of your body and focus it outside (that's where you are trying to go isn't it) I find it best to focus on something you know is outside of your body about 6 feet away. Breathe normaly (NO rhythmic breathing, no breathe in 2 out 4, no deep breathing...all that can just mess you up.) Just breathe normaly; remember what you are trying to achive is a NATURAL act just like dreaming. Begin counting in you head at a normal pace 1-10 over and over again. With each number don't feel your self sinking deeper but instead feel yourself letting go. With each count of a number leave all your thoughts behind, all feeling of pain, anything you feel is keeping you attached to your psychical body. Kind of pretend that you psychical body is your home and you are moving out and leaving all your stuff there. As you do this also try to keep your focus on if you are already outside of your body (like the more you loose sense of the psychical the more you become real in the astral.) Practice this until you can not feel or sense your body at all; Until you can feel and sense yourself in the astral. Good luck.
There is a saying that goes "fear is the mind killer". It truly is! Fear will set you back. Fear will keep you from achiving anything. When trying to astral travel you must have no fear, no doubt, no anger or sadness. You gotta think "I GOT THIS" each time you try. Even when you don't make it you gotta stay positive. Believe me each negative thought you have is like pouring thick tar over yourself (you'll never get through). Same thing with fear. Don't worry about what is happening, is this suppose to happen, what's coming next, am I doing it right. Forget all that. Most of you are new to this right? The fact is you don't know how it's suppose to go or what is suppose to happen. So just tell your fear to shut the hell up and enjoy what ever does happen. Don't worry about "well I'm not sure if I'm getting close or not" the fact is that when I first started I had no idea what I was doing and I'd find myself out side of my body with out even knowing it half the time. I have also been astral traveling for over 20 years and I have never seen a demon or have returned to my body with scratches on me or anything like that. It's pretty safe and your body pulls you right back at the first sighn of danger. So trust me there really is nothing to be afraid of.

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi SilverLycan,
Thanks a lot for this post :)
It will help many people who have the fear of Sleep paralysis. People must let go, only then they can perform astral projection, with fear nothing can be done :)

Posted over 11 years ago

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