I need help on Astral projection.

Posted over 12 years ago , by Jake1055

Astral Projection has interested me since my research on lucid dreaming(which I have never figured out.). What I need help with, is figuring out how and when i'll know i'm projecting. This was my experience. I laid down, I didn't use binaural beats, and I laid on my back, arms down to my side, and cleared my thoughts. Then, I began to use a technique I found on youtube, I began the sound "na" over and over again so it was like I was saying "nanananananana" but slowed down. After a while I stopped doing this. Then I realized I was entering sleep paralysis. I know this because I learned how to get into this stage when researching lucid dreaming and have experienced it many times. Then, after several minutes, I tried to imagine myself pulling my soul out of my body by grabbing an imaginary rope. Suddenly, my head began to shake intensely and I was freaked out at first, but I knew it was what was supposed to happen. After I got used to this shaking, my torso felt tilted upright, not yet sitting up, but barely floating off of my bed. I kept on pulling, but I didn't know what to do next. Is the astral world like the physical world? Is it a first person point of view? Because I didn't see anything. During the shaking, I saw a lot of images of videos I had watched to prepare for this, but I didn't see any astral planes or anything else people reported. What did I do wrong? Am I experiencing half of an OBE? Please help, I know this is kind of a controversial topic, and i'm still not 100% on this.

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Zack, I'm seeking the truth and absolute freedom

Hi Jake,
What I have read about was there is two kinds of plane or world, called Local 1 and local 2 (named by Robert Monroe in Ultimate Journey and Journey out of body. What he said is that the local 1 looks almost perfectly alike the physical world and local 2 may be the world that many projectors are talking about (The astral world). Hope this info help you!  :D

Posted over 12 years ago
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