i need advice on having a obe,i think im close.

Posted about 9 years ago , by Brad

hi,so i been trying to have a obe for a couple weeks now,i have read online about all the different techniques that can be used to achive an obe,none have worked,but i feel i am close.when i lay down for sleep i notice that i can feel a buzzing/tingling feeling as soon as i begin to relax my body,i thought at first this was the vibrations every one was talking about until last night,instead of clearing my mind and focusing on my body sensations,i simply relaxed and let my mind wonder.i eventualy got into a state that was simular to a deep day dream.at this moment i felt something that made me snap out of the daydream state,it was a twitch in my legs followed by a warm sensation that traveled to my knees,i then relized that i was feeling mildly strong vibrations through out my entire body.when i felt this i got really excited,my heart started pumping faster,my eyes started twitching really fast and i had to fight the urge to not open them,then, sadly,the vibrations stoped and i was wide awake agian.eventually i gave up and went to sleep.

any advice on what should i do from when i feel the vibrations?

one last thing,as a kid i remember laying down and feeling this sensation of spinning.i now find that i can re create this sensation if i focus on feeling it.i can apply this same focus on feeling as if my hands are moving even tho they are really at my side,not moving at all,is this conected to obe's or is this just my imagination?

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Mo, Moo
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When you feel vibrations then you must go on. Thats when you seperate

Posted almost 9 years ago

Ronald Marce, Tunemach

I heard you need to relax a bit further when you get vibrations until it feels like your phone vibrating in a super low level

Posted over 8 years ago

Michelle Lopez, Michelle697

I have found most of my OBE's occur when I wake up in the middle of the night and then have a hard time to fall back asleep. Each time this has happened I have been thoroughly exhausted and in the inbetween state of sleep and wake. Lately though I can begin to vibrate even when I am sleeping and be woken from a regular dream and then pop out. I think the more you experience an OBE the easier it becomes not to resist and to just go with it.

Posted over 8 years ago

You should familiarize yourself with yourself. Stand naked in front of a mirror for about 15 minutes twice a day. Each time study your face in great detail. Close your eyes & you will see yourself. It's like an imprint. Do it over & over... Then after you meditate or have the vibrations. Open you eyes while laying down & look up. Envision as much detail about yourself as you can. You will actually help yourself project & it won't be as alarming.You will feel the pull & seeing yourself helps.

Posted over 8 years ago

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