I don't know if i succeded or just fallen asleep and dreamed about trying to astral project...

Posted about 8 years ago , by Man Raul

I have here the only 2 atempts to astral projection that I actualy succeded body separation/ partial separation... 1) I remember waking up in the midle of the night and trying to astral project when I went back to sleep, my limbs go numb and tingly, I see humanoid figures and I start trying to get out of my body, I am succesfull but when I try to open my "astral eyes" I slip into a false awakening dream and now that I am awake for real it all feels like a lucid dream in wich I tried to astral project because it's kind of fogy and sureal, also because of disbelief since I never succeded to astral projectbefore. note that I always tried astral projectioon in the day,never like this( wild technique). So I hope there are some astral projection entusiasts around here who can tel me if I succeded or not, and also how foggy/ dream-like is astral projection?

2) I literarly woke up in the midle of the night (because I'ved fallen asleep to early) and tried to go back to sleep. I was on my side ( I usualy sleep on my back) I enter sleep paralysiss and I think to myself "I should try astral projection" ( I'm a little bit more awarw and focused than the last time I was in this aituation) So I concentrate and enter the vibration stage(all my body is numb and tingly especialy my tongue) and try to roll side ways out of my body with little success( at least my astral eye opens from time to time, not like last time), never succedeng complete separation... I repeatetly lose my concentration and slip out of the vibrations and back into the sleep paralysiss... untill I finaly fall asleep and lose conciousness.

My final question is for the people with experience in astral projection " did I actualy separate from my body or was it all just a dream? because the vibratiion stage feels a lot like a lucid dream... is it supose fo be that clowdy? I expected it to be closer to the "awake state of mind" sorry for the bad grammar and all that... english is not my first language. Thank you!

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Nevo, neutral-religion

well a tip really a strong one to get to the vaibrationel state you just need not to move nothing extra its smilar to when you lift somthing heavy and your arm shake not moving is hard on your body

Posted about 8 years ago

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