How to get to sleep paralysis

Posted about 11 years ago , by Hades.Edy

So las night I went to bathroom .. after that I went back in bed .. after few minutes I realized that my mind is awake but I was not able to move my body.. I knew it was sleep paralysis .. how to get to sleep paralysis ..i know how to conquer my fears.. but I don't know hot to achive sleep paralysis

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The Astral Journal, I plan to share astral/lucid experiences.

Sleep paralysis isn't exactly something you can bring on easy. Being a lucky person (if you see it as lucky) I am forced into sleep paralysis naturally at least once a week. Sleep paralysis is caused by remembering and or acknowledging you are laying in your bed trying to sleep without moving a single muscle. Your mind starts to think you are sleeping do to the lack of movement and begins to pretty much shut off muscle movement or "take control" of movement. You then realize you can't move but you can think just fine. You get a feeling of floating and you begin to hear noises (auditory hallucinations) and if you open your eyes you can have visual hallucinations. Some say you are not actually opening your eyes physically during sleep paralysis but your subconscious is bringing up the image of your room that your brain remembers. This often brings anxiety do to the "out of place" feeling you get. Here is a tip.
If you are ever forced into sleep paralysis and you get so paranoid you want to back out just hold your breath for 10 seconds. I am not familiar with ways to bring on sleep paralysis but I'd assume you'd have to do as I said. You do not need sleep paralysis to astral project but it does help. ( I personally think it isn't worth trying to do you should just use normal astral projection methods such as clearing your mind of all speech)

Posted almost 11 years ago
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