So first im just training there are 3 days i made a lot of research and i saw the vibration stage is where you separate your physical body from you astral body i cant do it i just relax in bed some time i move my muscles some time cant resist after waiting i start getting paralysis
then i start getting vibrations on what i saw you cant move your muscles when on sleep paralysis but me i can even when i feel vibrations and my heart beat super fast but i do not get illusions and i don't hear strange things like i said im just training from 3 days can someone tell me if i did something wrong? and i didnt understand what is trance mode when you move?
Help For Astral Projection
Posted over 10 years ago
, by Joelmappa
you had reason the 4
im not relaxed enough ,my mind was too awake,i could still move,the vibrations are not strong enough you helped me a lot i retried i could always move my muscles i was paralysed but not a lot i got the sensation of something getting out of the belly and then from hands but i didnt go in astral
Posted over 10 years ago