Hi I started practising AP 6 days ago and in third day I APed myself only half of body and it was from lucid dreaming .It happened like this: while i was lucid and when i look up i saw letters that said Scorpio Roll Out. This "Roll Out" reminded me of technique and that i am dreaming and my purpose to AP in first place. I realized to roll out and i was moving my head towards the other bed but only half of it. And i was about 2 seconds in astral form. I heard some buzzing in my head like a waving and i get excited (who wouldn't for first time),but this morning something really CRAZY happened to me.
Okay as i start to practise AP, i fell in sleep during the practise . While i was dreaming, what was it some kind of fighting with monsters in Darks Souls 3 it was mixed, anyway this is where it gets crazy: then i dream that i am astral projecting myself in my room from that first dream in reality. While i was doing it was 90% realistic and it is because of feeling that i astral projecting in my room, then i pick up the phone and started to picture my astral body near my physical body and i was happy so I went to told my mom that i astral project, she was like happy about it and that is where it gets weird. You can't pick up your phone from physical and tell your mom that you astral project and also room wasn't so detailed then. I continue to dream and bang. I wake up in reality.
I am really want to astral project and i am not planning to give up easily, i will practise until i succeed, but if anyone can help me how to speed up process please let me know.
Best Regards
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