Doctor Strange and Astral Projection

Posted over 8 years ago , by Jeff

Hey All,

How many of you seen the movie Doctor Strange?

I recently watched Doctor Strange and found Astral Projection related references very interesting, It is nice to see that movies are adopting Astral Projection concepts. I'm interested to watch similar movies about astral projection, let me know if you have seen any movies which refers about Astral Projection.

It would be great if you could tell me what you felt when you were watching Doctor Strange Astral Projection scenes.


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Well, I'm not much of a Marvel fan, but I quite often watch to its movies. I didn't even know that Doctor Strange approached this topic, I'm intrigued! I will definitely watch it.

Now for other movies, I haven't come across with much movies that are about astral projection, just a few, but I don't know if they'll be similar to Doctor Strange, it might be that you've already watched them.

From the top of my head there is : Red lights, The blue man, John dies at the end and Solaris.

I'll also wait to see if anyone can recommend other movies.

Posted over 8 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

I recently watched Doctor Strange, It was great to see that Marvel has shown good things about Astral Projection. There are few more movies which talks about Astral Projection, but they show Astral Projection something like a bad one to practice and when you do it, a negative entity will attach to you when you go to Astral Plane (which is wrong).

You can checkout Insidious (1,2,3). It's a good horror movie, yet a bad Astral Projection movie to mention.

@YngJo: Thanks for the list of movies. I haven't seen those. Will checkout blush

Posted over 8 years ago


Whoa! I second Red lights and John dies at the end, I found the latter to be very funny! I went to check the movies YngJo mentioned, and reading the synopsis I think I'll like the way they addressed AP. Insidious is also a good movie, I found the first one to be the best.

Posted over 8 years ago

Yes, I guess pretty much all the movies I've listed approach astral projection in an unusual way,at least is what I think. I don't think they made it explicit though. We have to pay close attention to notice it's about projection.They're all good movies, regardless!

@Praveen, I almost forgot, if you don't find The blue man, it is also known as Eternal evil (1985) and about Insidious, I'll promptly watch it! Thank you, I love horror movies smile

Posted over 8 years ago

Yolke , Dreaming

Honestly, I haven't really thought that John dies at the end had anything to do with astral projection until you said it. I watched it again, but with extra attention, and I have to say, there really are parts that's kind of implicit, but it's like you said, it doesn't look one bit with what we know about ap.

Posted over 8 years ago

jeff, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

@YngJo, @Praveen, @Yolke, @.m

Thanks for the awesome response, I will surely watch those movies over the weekend. I watched Insidious already, It's a great horror movie, but still many things that old lady says is misguiding. (except, "you no need to be scared, as you the one who is alive")

Posted over 8 years ago

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