can you meet other people?

Posted about 13 years ago , by The Bob

Ive never had the pleasure of astral projecting, so there are some things that are'nt clear to me. Can i say meet my uncle who lives in florida in the astral world if he is astral projecting as well?how does that work? Or are you kinda just alone with a lot of other spirits?

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Darklon, I'm here for astral projection

Focus 34/35
The Gathering. Beings from many other locations within the physical universe are gathered here to witness the upcoming Earth Changes.

Focus 27
The Reception Center. An artificial area created by human minds, designed to ease the trauma and shock of the transition out of physical reality. It takes on the form of various earth environments in order to be acceptable to the wide variety of newcomers. Contact and communication is open between all inhabitants. Many people living in Focus 27 provide assistance to new arrivals to help them adjust to their new situation. This is a highly organized and structured area.Afterlife free will created by humans resembling earth

Focus 24, 25, 26
Belief System Territories. Somewhat similar to Focus 23, however people here are not isolated but live in groups. The inhabitants are humans from all periods and areas who have accepted and subscribed to various premises and concepts. All inhabitants of a specific territory are in contact with all others who share their beliefs. Contact with anyone holding conflicting beliefs is very limited.

Focus 23
Inhabited by those who have recently left physical existence (i.e. have died). They are either not aware of this or not able to become free from their ties to life on earth. They are isolated from contact with others. Dead "stuck" confused about or unaware of their death,ghosts
The levels below are mainly inhabited by people in physical existence. At the next levels this is not the case.

Focus 22
At this level people are unconscious or partly conscious. People in coma, suffering from delirium or dementia, under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Patients who are anesthetized or comatose. This level is chaotic, people are confused and very difficult to communicate with.

Focus 21
Other Energy Systems. The awareness is expanded to realities and energy systems beyond normal time, space and physical matter.The edge of time/space - contact other energy systems.

Focus 15
State of No Time. The awareness is expanded beyond time and place.

Focus 12
Expanded Awareness. The awareness is expanded beyond the physical body.

Focus 10
Mind Awake / Body Asleep. The physical body sleeps and the mind is awake.

Focus 3
State of increased mental coherency and balance ,Basic Hemi-Sync. The first level where Hemi-Sync starts to have an effect on the person.

Focus 1
Physical Waking Consciousness. The level of awareness in which people spend most of their daily, waking lives.

(think this is Robert Monroe's focus levels)

Posted about 13 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)
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