Astral Projection - Human Evolution?

Posted about 11 years ago , by Music Soul Fae

The Collective Evolution Trilogy {Movies}

Created by a group of young people {Indigo Kids, perhaps?}

The first part {2011} of The Collective Evolution is aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. The documentary addresses this need for change through five individual yet interrelated structures society has come to rely upon - finance, education, religion, entertainment/media, and health/food. Each of these structures is fully broken down to show viewers how they have come into place, and why their continued existence can no longer be supported.

The second part {2011} is focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet.

The third part {2013} is a powerful documentary that explores a revolutionary shift affecting every aspect of our planet. As the shift hits the fan, people are becoming more aware of the control structures that prevent us from experiencing our full potential. This is the most exciting time in the history of our world.

PART 1 - The Collective Evolution

PART 2 - The Human Experience

PART 3 - The Shift -

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MusicSoulFae, I'm Here to share my Inner Awakening

...Because we are more on line or connected to each other this way, & less engaged in person, we are more in tune on a different level with others...more connected astrally to the information highway. Hence we are sensing things going on around the world, on the mental plane {worldwide web}... So events on earth resonate outward, one hears the cries of others, & are naturally drawn there {whether conscious of it or not}. The first time I really noticed this link, or that I had experienced it before, was the Japan event, 2011. And from that point on, I could "sense?" the world connect? the consciousness of the people on the planet shifted. ...

There are many that are tuned into what's occurring in Ukraine, but more so with the missing plane. This i find interesting, as "of all the world events, why is this one catching global, individual interest?" from all walks of life? Whether scientist or metaphysics. All are communicating about this, many disbelievers are seeking alternative help to seek the plane. Something important is behind this "event", for the collective conscious evolution? of man!

To understand what I mean by the above quote, see Part 3 - the shift...At about 6 mins in, the creators of documentary speak about their awakening, & when they noticed the collective consciousness of man "shift". As I was going to post above, but the reason i didn't was because we had not shifted to a global consciousness until much later {2011}. The 2001 events, connects us on a National level, what happened affected us & what we needed to do to protect OUR SELVES....The 2011 events, shifted from SELF to OTHER. That the fear / worry of how it will affect us was way less than how we were now concerned for the lives of others, & increased thereon in. Our attentions "shifted" to our global family then... :) Like now, we are less concerned about the plane being hijacked but fully focused on getting the passengers back.

PART 3 - The Shift -

Posted about 11 years ago (updated over 9 years ago)

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