Astral project in just 3 days!! Simple like hell!!

Posted over 12 years ago , by Enraged Master (Moderator)

Heeelllloooow everyoooonnne

Welcome to my post where you will learn to astral project 100% in just 3 days , Dont forget to throw me a reply :P , Anyways ,here is the technique...

-Many people having problems with entering the viberation states , im one of them already , i never enter it without my technique , so lets begin!

First of all , go to bed and lay on your back (( on your back )) only

Second of all set the alarm so that you dont sleep more than 2 hours or less that 1 hours!!!

Now just sleep while laying on your bed

After you hear the alarm just shut it down and simply wake up , do something , play or eat ... Whatever you do but make sure you dont stay awaken for more than 2 hours and less than 1 hour!!!! , just make sure about that!

Now go to sleep without the alarms , you will only be able to sleep around 1 or half hour and then you will wake up accidently!!!

What will happen is your body will enter the paralyzing status and your body will be asleep but your mind would be awaken!!! Which means you will be able to move your eyes but not your body!!

At this moment close your eyes and relax for around one or half minutes and you will instantly enter the viberation status!!!

Then all you have to do is just beliefing and using any technique like robert bruce (robe technique)

And you are done!!!!

But make sure ( SLEEP ON YOUR BACK ALL THE TIME!!!! ) if you just sleep on your stomache or on your side then you have ruined everything!!!

Also make sure when you wake up at the first step ( the alarm one ) you dont roll on the bed!! It will also ruin your body paralyze!!

Warning : When you get paralyzed , dont be scared at all!!! It will be off after some minutes but it wont when you project , so stop thinking about demons or any evil things or you will probably see them infront of you!! Its soooo easy just relax and remember you control everything so no need to worrys  :)

Any questions about my technique just feel free to ask :)

This technique was tested with my friends who knows about astral projection but never tried it , the first one succeed on the second day and both of the others did it in 3 days , they says it was so hard for them because its their first try :) , so this technique is working 100% , try it out , it wont fail you ;)

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Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

WoW Enraged :)

Really a nice technique. A similar technique is used in Lucid Dreaming called Wake Induced Lucid Dream (WILD).
This really works perfect for many. I have even tried this and the success rate is really very high :)

But The practice which I used to do is like waking up after 4AM and going back to bed at 5AM or some more time. So this would make my mind stay awake, with my body is asleep.

So will try this technique once. like keeping alarm for 2hours as you said :)

So have you tried it ?
I think you have mentioned that you haven't tried, any reason behind it ? :) :)

Gonna try this today ;)

Happy Travels to all who try this technique today :)

Posted over 12 years ago

My great brother i never tried viberation ( before my technique ) , but when i actually used it , it worked alooot!! , im really glad im helping people for astral! Also happy incredibly for finding it , good luck brother kumar ^_^

Posted over 12 years ago

Praveen Kumar S, Wake-walking in dream state

Hi Bro :)

I tried your technique. I kept alarm for exact two hours from when I went to sleep. But when the alarm was ringing I just switched it off and slept again :P
Ha ha :D :D
Missed the chance :)
Will try it once again today and let you know :)

Posted over 12 years ago

dude1981, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

ahahaha same here to  ;D
alarm clock fired up and i just pushed the button and slept away again LOL
will try this at weekend when i am more relaxed and dont need my sleep ;)

Posted over 12 years ago

Lol happens alot , Sleeping is soo beautiful :$

Posted over 12 years ago

jeff, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

Ha ha :D :D
I thought I'm the one who did that, But I see 2 more people same like me :P

Posted over 12 years ago

Zack, I'm seeking the truth and absolute freedom

Hi Bro,
I am a beginner to Astral projection. So I am wondering if I do need to use the white light technique before relaxing? :-\ The white light technique is surrounding your body with a bright white light, to repel any negative entities. And I always fall into sleep while relaxing and trying to stay awake while my body sleep. I can't stay awake while my body sleep  :(. Do you have any solutions?
And what about balancing chakras, raising kundalini ?? :-\

Posted over 12 years ago

dude1981, I'm Here for Inner Awakening

oh guess you listened to the stephe jones explorations :)
yeah got through this at all. but all i do from that is the white light everytime. but i dont care about kundulini, balancing my chakras or  this cylinder thing.  i tried it a lot of times, but i guess that was to much for my mind. i got those vibes just with a much more simplier method.
dont get me wrong. i dont say it doesnt work! its just you have to know for yourself what is necessary. if you feel your chakras are complete out of order... then arrange them. if you feel everything is allright and you dont need to, then skip it :)

Posted over 12 years ago

Zack, I'm seeking the truth and absolute freedom

oh guess you listened to the stephe jones explorations :)
yeah got through this at all. but all i do from that is the white light everytime. but i dont care about kundulini, balancing my chakras or  this cylinder thing.  i tried it a lot of times, but i guess that was to much for my mind. i got those vibes just with a much more simplier method.
dont get me wrong. i dont say it doesnt work! its just you have to know for yourself what is necessary. if you feel your chakras are complete out of order... then arrange them. if you feel everything is allright and you dont need to, then skip it :)

Bro What you guessed is totally right. I listen to his program. I Appreciate your answer, but I am not quite clear whether I needed them or not. And on top of that I don't know how to stay awake, deeply relax and visualize. Can someone tell me the best and easy way to stay awake and relax deeply??[move][glow=red,2,300=red,2,300]Please Help[/glow][/move]

Posted over 12 years ago

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